This thread blew up while I was away for just 4 hours. Damn, what a hot topic. Milk, where are you? Break out the chill pills. I've only managed to read up to page 14 from 2. So much reading... My brain is having a feast.
Good post. I don't think any of these keyboard warriors would be able to write all that. Btw, have you seen the George Galloway vs. U.S. Senate (5/17/05) video? Your post reminds me of that speech he made. What an orator.
That post is not really relevant to the troops regardless of the administration our troops deserve our support. Don't like the administration vote for someone different
It can be interpreted lots of other ways too---you can emphasize their stupidity, their genius, or their ignorance by quoting without replu
Damn, just finished reading the whole thread. Op, I understand your hardship and sacrifice as a dedicated service member of the armed forces but there's one teenie tiny thing that would help you go far in your appeal to us, the private citizens of the country you serve: The choice of using simplification and generalization to describe a sensitive culture can make or break you. Just like how the majority of people who are all struggling to find time between work and their personal life simply walk by homeless people begging for spare change. This is a world of overpopulation; do not forget that you are but a tiny dot. The world will easily forget and turn its anger onto you if you condemn it and get out of place.
Sorry thetruth7, again you are wrong, no british empire would of meant a predominance of the French or Spanish empires, they were both much worse to their colonies btw. Also no british empire would mean german dominated Europe BEFORE ww2. Ww1 would of been a European war only, and over pretty quickly at the borders of France with a german win. I never said slavery was good, I even stated (before you tried to use it) that they helped create slavery before abolishing it (almost singlehandedly I might add) I'm me really pointing out that the world would be a very different place right now, and probably not a better one, had the british empire of not excited.
I apologise I misread your point about slavery. I disagree all empires were equally bad you just don't want to accept that. When your land and riches are stolen and your people murdered you won't think oh I'm glad a british person done that rather than a french or spanish And by your logic if no British empire means the french or spanish would have gained then they would be top dog in europe . The French empire would have been stronger then they would have been better able to war Germany so you can't say what would of happened you aren't god. And by your logic America would have been settled by the French(hello theyre already in canada)thus they would have been in ww1 against the germans. Plus America wasn't even discovered by the British Edit ah you say it's 5.08am so you're british hence you're saying the british are better and it's better their empire had a greater influence than the others. Your bias position doesn't facilitate a fair discussion
So apparently because I'm from a place I can't have a fair unbiased opinion on it's history? Grow up lol. I'm perfectly capable of rationalising. I have already stated that the british empire did some horrific things. However some things you want to know: 1. The british empire generally did not commit mass genocide, the majority of colonial native deaths came from European diseases that the natives weren't able to fight off. 2. The French couldn't of held onto the Americas, you're forgetting basic strategy, France has land borders to other countries, britain does not therefore can dedicate more time and manpower to outwards expeditions. 3. It's a toss up between the roman and british for me actually. Maybe you should ask, before shouting accusations.
Your point 2 is absolutely pointless. France couldn't have held America ? If they settled it instead of the British for a period of time they could. Remember Britain couldn't either so much for your island theory lol.absolutely bizarre And of course you're bias. I've ruffled your feathers and now you're playing the accusation card and playing on made up scenarios that you came up with your british mind. You're glorifying your nation's empire and saying others were worse . You're naive ignorant and blind to the facts. And you're 3rd point doesn't make much sense in keeping with your other two
Please rethink the comparison of soldiers (any nation) to terrorists. Yes in war these soldiers may kill innocents but they do not do it with intent. Terrorist on the other hand could give 2 shits who they kill and they don't have the remorse. You can say they're brainwashed and I can see that to a certain extent however one's moral ethics should overcome that.
Something's you may want to know Goo gle 10 Evil crimes of the British empire And there's a lot more. I don't waste my time on Naz is who glorify their sick history and I won't waste my time on brit who does the same with his. You're bias blind and sick. This time I really am done dealing with u
Which facts am I blind or ignorant to? What makes you think the French could of held it? And regardless, it's not important who could of held America, it still wouldn't be the United States of America. You seem to have decided that since I'm british I'm not open to anyone else's opinion.
Wait, let's backtrack for a moment. When the hell were any of us discussing France? How in ****'s sake is France relevant to the discussion between you two? Where did France pop into the equation? LOL. How the **** is any of this relevant to the intention of the thread. I'm dead. ... ... ... Meh, it's op's fault anyways for trying to act like The United States of America has already labeled all of us as supporters of terrorism and placed us on FBI watch lists for pointing out op's flaws and making his post seem like a total scam, which it probably is. I mean, I like writing post cards as much as my next door charity, but there are certain standards that even charities hold themselves to... Anyways, I'm going back to Reddit Ciao