Destiny is a good game, was overhyped. There's a lot of lore but its barley in the game. You have to look up forums or read the grimoire cards to learn the stories. Their suppose to be getting new voice for the dinkle bot and suppose to be making improvements to the game overall with new expansion. Games a damn grind and Master Rahool.... Thorn is beast, fav gun.
Let me tell you what I think about the game instead. I bought Destiny in hope of having a game that was great and fun. And it was for the first two days until I got to level 28 or so (I played a lot). So I sat at level 28 for a while... And a little while longer.. And longer and longer... Until I realized something. If I wanted to progress in the game then I would need to buy the expansion pack. So I was like okay I'll buy this expansion pack. Then little did I know, that was only the beginning. You see, Destiny is one pig of a money grubbing system. Its an endless scheme to suck money out of your pocket. And games like that, I absolutely despise. I bought the original game for a reason. To play it and have fun, equally and fairly. But with the expansion packs, they completely ruined my Destiny experience. Its now been months since I have even launched that game.
Warframe kinda sucks imo. I got bored of it. BO3 beta was decent. Flinch sucked. Bf4 for Xbox One is currently my favorite game
I started maybe a week ago and I'm level 23. I've watched videos by a YouTuber I forget re name of but he does in depth about every game and I watched one video about the ttk, it's not worth buying. I play ps4 and they're just getting you to throw more money at the screen for nothing.
Destiny is great. The add on is worth it, considering its essentialy a new game. With new raids, gear, and level caps, the game will be changed. Ive played since beta and loved every moment of it. I was skeptical at first, due to the lack of offline capabilities. Its totally made up for by the game play and community.
You could say the same about this game if you truly want to get any where on this game you have to spend money
Oh yeah and I forgot you are able to rea ch the level cap its just harder without the expansions I have a few friends that have level 34 characters and don't own the expansions