Kanye For Prez

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by coulson5713, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Re: Kanye For President

    Be honest, you were also thinking.. " wow that last booger seemed extra salty".
  2. Re: Kanye For President

    Oh god.

    Bob is a trump supporter. Poor guy.
  3. Re: Kanye For President


  4. Re: Kanye For President

    Title should say prez not president...people that like kanye don't understand president
  5. Better?

    I dont like Kanye. He is a total tool and an oxygen thief IMO
  6. Re: Kanye For President

    Donald trump has good ideas but I hate him, seems to me like he's arrogant and not very political however his ideas strike me as good
  7. Re: Kanye For President

  8. Hmmm, I think KW would be the one person i'd vote for trump over...maybe Kim kardashion too
  9. You guys are fools....

    Trump is what the country needs.
  10. Trump ftw.... kanye... well..do you like fish sticks? ...well do ya!?...
  11. Can't tell if people really are trump supporters, or just trolling too well
  12. Either that or humanity is ******
  13. Kanye better than obama?
  14. Re: Kanye For President
