Destiny: The Taken King

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Grizzly2, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Ghallahorn is the correct way to spell it I think but gally is for short and its the best PvE rocket in the game its really good for taking down bosses quickly like in raids or strikes
  2. Also there's two sub classes already but a new one will be added for each guardian when the taken king comes out
  3. Wait... We can discuss other games here???
  4. Awesome sauce. Anyone play League of Hunnies?
  5. Not me
  6. Destiny was awesome at first, but then the novelty wore off after doing the same thing for the millionth time. Who knows, I might jump back in for TTK, but then again I might not.
  7. We're allowed to discuss, but not tell others to play or share in-game information (like gamertags).
    Example: I could say Clash Of Clans has a hundred clones. I could not say: Go play clash with me, my name there is Kaw_admin.
    Onto destiny, I played the demo up to the level cap there (7 :cry: )and had a ton of fun, but I'm way too poor to afford it and the dlc. I can only hope they'll do what titanfall did and make the game, and hopefully one of the DLC, free to download. That, or games with gold will come through for me.
  8. Well then.

    I play Maplestory, Runescape, Grand Theft Auto, Lunia, Starcraft, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Silkroad Online, Warcraft, Age of Empires 3, Call of Duty, Resident Evil, CS GO, Battlefield, Crysis, Halo, Harvest Moon, Pokemon Soul Silver, and Medieval 2 Total War.
  9. Xbox 1

    The expansion i guess is worth it.

    How active are you currently in raids and pvp?

    The extra story mode missions i guess are entertaining, but i wouldn't buy soley for that reason.

    Its worth it if you are really into the other game play styles.

    I actually stop playing destiny awhile back though. Im not gonna run the same old missions over hundreds of times just for weapon drops.

    I also prefer cod style pvp.
  10. No smite or Heroes of the storm?
    World of Warships?
  11. Destiny Beta was one of the most polished excellent betas I have ever played....the actual game was disgusting...worst thing bungie has ever made...worse than ODST...Get a superior game like Fallout 4, AC:Syndicate, Hitman or Just Cause 3 if you want something sci-fi Halo 5 and if you want an FPS Battlefront Rainbow Six Siege or even this years COD game would be better! Now people might defend Destiny but....the game devs basically treat them like crap....
  12. The game itself is only worth $15 If it includes all the "Expansions"
  13. I probably have about 200 or more hours in playing raids but PvP is something I don't do as often I try to do every daily PvP but other than that I only play PvP when I'm needing bounties done or if its iron banner. Also I never said what console I use... PS3 is what I use but when I can save enough cash in getting a PS4
  14. Destiny PvP would probably be the only thing I would do if I still played destiny. Everything else is so repetitive and boring, but PvP is always fresh each and every match, because each match isn't the same.
  15. Xbox One. Have all the dlc up to now, reached max light level months ago but have stopped playing it now. This is due to TTK being $40 in America and £40 here in the UK. Two different prices for the same expansion. Total rip off. A good game, none the less.
  16. I didn't know the price was different in other countries.
  17. Did anyone else herehave issues with any 3rd party headsets(tritons/turtle beaches) while playing destiny?
  18. Buying the taken king. I'm on PS3 and I'm extremely excited for this. I'll finally get to experience a raid the week it comes out. I didn't have a fireteam for vog or ce. But I joined a clan in February and I've got a 34 ready to roll
  19. Destiny: The Taken King is released September 15! 2 weeks or so remaining, should be fun. :)