World Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kati, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. You throw the word "kids" around, like a kid yourself, and your logic is as good as most pre-schoolers. You are just a child, forming hasty opinions because that is what's cool today.


    "You leaving cuz you know I'm right I won da argument!!!"
  2. True, took it a while though.

    *cough* crusades *cough*
  3. Muslims were involved in many of the atrocities during the crusades, and they haven't evolved a lot.

    Also, not every Christian supported the crusades. Just some Muslims aren't machine gun toting, bomb exploding nutcases.
  4. whatever christians did has nothing to do with islam being evil today.
  5. Rio no point in arguing with these idiots.
  6. You seem to think you found a buddy. I don't think he is your buddy.

    Also, follow the stereotypical Liberal approach of "If they aren't easily assimilated, then ignore them, plug your ears, and scream Lalalalala, until they go away."

    You're THAT childish, you undereducated Teenage whiner. Please come back later, when you've attended college and learned how to properly assess a political/religious argument, and properly formulate an educated response, instead of flaming like an infant.
  7. The Spanish Inquisition.
  8. Actually there are a few Christian cults/churches that claim Christianity but do awful things like Westboro Baptist which is in no way what a baptist church is like. There are fewer acts or terror but they still happen.
  9. yes, how many terrible things have they done the past 10 years?
  10. Very specific. Who exactly is they?
  11. the westboro baptist church
  12. Way too many to count. Why don't you look up their vine?
  13. I cannot find anything but some hate speech. Sorry.
  14. Wow you must suck at finding stuff. Google Westboro baptist. One article I found

    "The tragic bombing at the 2013 Boston marathon, which left three dead and over a hundred wounded, has once again brought one of the most despised groups in the world to prominence. The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), headquartered in Topeka, Kansas, has for years made headlines by protesting the funerals of US soldiers. They do this in order to draw attention to their chief cause: the virulent hate of homosexuals. The WBC believes that homosexuality should be a capital crime, and that all such individuals are destined for Hell. They plan to picket the funerals of the Boston victims; on their Twitter page they announced that “God Sent The Bombs In A Fury Over Gay Marriage!”
    This isn't bad?
  15. its hate speech, like i said earlier. That is all they do. I take it is legal too what they do, or police is doing a lousy job. It would obviously be better if they didnt but i dont think they ever killed in the name of god.
  16. How bout you google Christian terrorism? It happens but the media ignores it
  17. i really tried to get a list :( they do exist but there are so few. You can look, by far the majority are from muslims.
  18. Such a shame for an educated person to say that,have u seen the muslims getting killed in Iraq? Or the massacres just because they ARE muslims? Or those just don't count???
    ISIS that people think it is consisted of muslims includes non-muslims and Europeans

    People will never understand because u don't experience the fear we live every single day,nor will they know that its not done in the name of God,it is done for money!
  19. The holy Qur'an is in Arabic and hard for Arabs themselves to understand,translation to languages can not be 100% accurate,js
  20. Check history instead of Qur'an if you like,and see the agreements Prophet muhammad signed with jews/non-muslims which they have betrayed then started war on him,yet he forgave them later n lived with them