Pvp ppl get the stat boosts from the normal achievements, how are they supposed to track how many times u p/z someone? Lmao
Support! I'm sure it's already been suggested in the pages I didn't read... But would also be great to see defensive wins/losses.
They get the base badge yes, same as PvE people. But so do you. You can't just completely exclude a group of people from getting the stats of these achievements because they PvP in a different way. You don't have to track how many times you pin someone but there are other things you can track.
Oswers get their rewards in seeing their enemies reset or noob rage or landing successful strips, there really is no way do with them what Titan is proposing here. Even if there was there's still the matter of osw is off system.
Completely irrelevant. Off system is still part of the game it's just not confined by a predefined set of rules dictating how things work. You don't need to track anything the same at all, you can have a completely different set of achievements. The point is you either need to do that and give them stats or remove all stats from the proposed ones in the OP. Otherwise you end up with a large unfair advantage for a very small group of people that many may have no hope of accessing.
Mango, pvpers dont put in the same ammount of effort an ee clan does, its strategic and requires teamwork, pvp (as seen in events) in smashing smaller mids and hitting hansels/open ps from pin. Makes sense that ee'rs get the stat bonus.
1. Osw this wouldn't apply to 2. Pve and pvp entirely different than wars As for why bring system wars back? They were a great way to handle business with other clans and were great for just fun. But system wars were stripped of commodities and left to collect dust. In my honest opinion system wars should be fixed so new players can learn to war and gain experience before heading into Estoc and chaos wars.
Can we just not have this introduced during s5? Indi makes my build look like a turd and my stats would look super crapolla