Support...but we know devs trying to kill sadly it won't happen unless devs has a huge change of hearts
Doesn't hurt to keep trying, all that war please pass this thread onto your fellow warrers and have them post. One thing for sure is that the thread has to be active from the war community posting what they think.
Well I'm a huge fan of the whole idea and love the badges .. The achievements however I would like to see more than 3 levels because a lot of warriors do more than 50 wars a season and I myself do 5 or so wars every week during offseason . The reason I think this would be s good idea is that (like op said) the more warring side of the game is deprived rather than the eb side of the game and I think this being implemented would help and give a better understanding on who is the better warrior and all the statistics that go with it
Couple questions . Would the achievements start in wars after implemented or would it count our past wars ? Can you show me what Mario said to you ? Either in pm or whatever idc
Support. This sounds like a great idea, and like you mentioned, it might even get new players to try out war. Nice job Titan
Great job TG!! Great artwork as well! Badges on war actions, war won, ko/sko's and the like could have 3 tiers just like, for example, the scout badge T1 is called a "Scout", T2 is a "Lookout" and T3 is a "Vanguard". SUPPORT!
I'd love the idea of being able to see your win/loss ratio on profile for wars. Also total numbers of Ko's vs times you were ko'd. Excludes sko, only counts times you were ko'd by another player
It would have more than 3 levels I can see that hands down as for what they can be there are many aspects to war
You either can't give them stat boosts or they have to include off system PvP as well. Otherwise you're making achievements exclusively for ee which rules out potential PvPers from ever getting these achievements if they dont ee. Even if they're warring all the same.
In relation to moose I see where you are coming from in regards to the badges being statless but just remember that the old reset bonuses are no longer available to anyone yet those rewards required a certain play style in order to attain. Just make a badge that gives bonuses for total number of PvP actions for attacks, scouts, assassinations and steals. On top of that do rewards for total number of KOs and SKOs. These would show off who actually wars well.
Sushi, ️ well sorry for another thread I didn't look just wanted to post so put the link to your thread here and let's get everyone on board Mango, I do agree with the stats somewhat but as was mentioned by another reset badge and items do exist although you can't get any longer, and as for pvp, I'm all for it but don't the base badges now go hand in hand with those? Just curious as in driving atm and can't think clearly as I like
I 100% support this I believe it will also give a good view as to what players are really doing in wars also ie: if a pleayer is using scouts more or assas good to see and also a reason to get more people into the wars which we all know is needed to keep this game alive. as for the PVP side, its to easy to find a loop hole in this as players can just hit there osf and gain the achievement i think having it racked in ee wars will get more people into the wars
Thank you Lady, I agree one of the great results can be having more players join the war front in return with more people warring it would create more clans warring and with that match ups could be created a bit more fairly I think.