Making meat Illegal: [Will save Humanity]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CatDogMan, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Now I know why these forums are dead
  2. #Devouring4Prez
  3. No I am not giving up meat. I will die eating meat and nothing will stop me
  4. Kinda sounds like you're gonna choke to death on some meat.
    That's how I wanna go tbh
    A mouthful of meat choking me out.
    The American Kardashian dream.
  5. Who doesn't want to choke on a mouthful of meat?
  6. God literally made animals for people to eat and use the skins of
  7. God literally doesn't exist
  8. Yay, I love when people stomp on others religions, and then cry when people stomp on theirs.
  9. Oh yea nice b8 OP
    This thread was obviously made to incite h8 and start flame wars
  10. But...but.. Bacon im too weak Id be hitting up that meat black market 24/7 and no I couldn't resort to cold truly either that would be illegal too
  11. But... Bacon I'm too weak and Id be hitting up that Meat Black Market 24/7 and I couldn't even resort to cold turkey, that would be illegal too
  12. Ffs sorry for the double post do not smite me
  13. Began typing up a response, then thought "screw it", OP is a retard
  14. I don't have a religion for anyone to stomp on.
  15. If anything vegan food should b banned - that would make this world better.

    Vegans have the worst smelling farts - like nerve gas
  16. You know he's onto something here
  17. That gives you the right to say anything about others.
  18. I didn't say anything about anyone.
  19. Cure world hunger, eat the poor.