new fun eb

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Bud_man, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Ive been thinking lots of people like ebs and lots like wars. How about a eb that has a regen like a item phase and if the clan doesnt work together and get that phase down the eb will hit the clan back if not lower in a few minutes or whatever. I think it will add a new element and it would be fun instead of being able to unload on ebs while doing whatever looking away. it would take more strategy then just trying to beat the time. who knows maybe more people will war, and its just different i think it could be a fun eb.
  2. No support; not enough effort
  3. .

    Oh and, wasn't this idea posted like between the last 1-2 weeks?

    No support.
  5. "EB"

  6. :lol: Ebs are just for casual unloads for gold to grow. It's not supposed to be a big event or occasion, by any means.
  7. This idea has been posted alot. Try the battle list that hits back occasionally
  8. Edit: bad link
  9. No Support. This idea has been posted before yet probably never gonna happen. If you want something that hits back try getting into an osw or maybe go to war.

  10. This would be like an advanced bot hitting you back. Wouldn't affect your battle win loss ratio. Would be boring.

    Devs would have to rehaul everything.