why is this in the game

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Cub, Aug 24, 2015.

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    Warred against my team last war

    1k cs (statless)

    Casts basic 14 spells

    155 mith for win

  2. Email support@kindoms@war.com. Let the trolls commence
  3. Correction: support@athinkingape.com

    This has been brought up a lot recently, so I keep this unlocked for 5 hours time based from this post.
  4. Because he was hitting builds 1000x his size. Sucks but that's how screwed the plunder formula is
  5. I'm gonna do that
  6. That's messed up. I struggle to get more then 30
  7. Kin I see what you're saying but I still don't fully understand how he gets 155 at 1k cs . I've hit 140 mith from full casting and top 5 WR . He was around WR 10 with basic 4 spells casted
  8. Ever consider he might have torn down his build?
  9. 30?! I wish I got 30 try only getting <25
  10. Eagle, u are authorized to lock this.
  11. On time.
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