Deez Nutz jokes. Timelessly hilarious or played out?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Ninjas_In_Pyjamas, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. I have been known to have a puerile sense of humor and still think little compares to the satisfying pay-out of a well executed deez nutser...

    My favorite-
    The new iphone is coming out soon, but have you heard of that iplace?
    Iplace? what the hell is that?
    That's when I place .......
  2. I like the presidential candidate whose name is DN
  3. Lmao yea I saw that the other day. Pretty funny.
  4. What's warm and fuzzy and something jdcht is missing
  5. A loving family?
  6. Nah, correct answer is your mom. I miss her like crazy
  7. How is that meant to be funny
  8. after 20yrs they r still talking about nutz... smh
  9. Why? She's like 60 years old.
  10. The older the better
  11. well, good to see kaw still has trolls who can only quip 1 liners
  12. I see you're from GAW, no wonder you're irrelevant.
  13. Good one mateit's also nice to see someone scrounging through my profile looking for something to say
  14. BURN.
  15. am i relevant?
  16. Not really...look like another statless nub to me
  17. Lol, jdcht 3.5m cs < crack 29m cs

    Who is the statless one now?
  18. Best one, (que Steve Harvey on Family Fued) Name something that gets bigger the older you get , DEEEEEZNUTS. Man maybe it's cause I've got a bit of a childish sense of humor but those jokes will never get old to me
  19. Lmao nice