spammers in war chat

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Pytokonda, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Dumb devs stop making crap just add a mute option to mute players spamming in war chat
  2. I've been thinking the same thing. Be able to block/mute someone in wc/cc so you can't see their posts. Seems like a very easy fix to war spammers
  3. I know right! Is that so hard to do devs????
  4. #InB4Eagle
  5. Ask all those who wanted IWar for fixes.
    Oughta be someone who cares with so much support. Either that or they can cast n do squat n care nada about issues.
  6. So the mole can mute the wc tracker good idea
  7. The mute doesn't apply to the whole clan..

    Eg If i mute you, I can't see what you say, but everyone else can.

    If someone is spamming etc, everyone simply mutes them . Spammer can still post, but nobody can see it (making it redundant)
  8. They don't have time for that, there's more important things to look after like the next Hunt event.
  9. Ah I get you you make more sense than the op
  10. Of course so all those wanting S5 IWar can be happy n not start threads with fixes for all the issues. Absentee disinterest.
  11. Thanks for explain thats the main idea
  12. Good idea n let us mute World Chat also.
    Remove unnecessary garbage n war without the distraction.