Myself and many others have spoken together and spoke about the indi Wars match ups. I and many other are completely and utterly disgusted with the way the match ups are. Its either your team is really stacked with top players in your bracket or you have new players that dont understand the concept of a "Self Knock Out." I feel that Devs should take more time and actually create rosters when each team has an advantage and each team is equal. I also feel that the mith portions are totally unfair, too see a top player with 3bill in plunder(thats high for my bracket) who casted 30 mith only get 44mith in return is very unfair and it should not be like that. To see someone in the bottom of the clan roster with 25actions and 500mill in plunder get 106 mith and the too player gets 44 mith, you can kind of see were people are going to get pissed off. I really feel that S5 was poorly created and needs to be fixed asap!
Nah. Edit: Nah is great for reserving posts. Adds a lot more input than just saying "reserved". Anyways, the devs have done their best with S5. EE is dying out, and we the players are at fault for it. Until we fix our own mistakes, and root out those who destroyed these wars, we can expect nothing from the devs in helping EE.
Indi is not a guaranteed loss. You either get placed in a good team, or you don't. They're much better than round, where only those who stack see victory, and primal, where half of your stats are stripped from you. Indi was the right choice for a fair fight.
I haven't really seen S5 payout problems for me. I cast either 2 or 14 mith (sometimes when doing consecutive wars the long 6 mith spells carry on into the war so I don't bother to recast) and I get anywhere from 50-70 mith. You can't just look at plunder, because that is only one component of mith payout. Potions used and burned, successful actions, and possibly ko's play a big role in mith payout. As for the bad rosters, indi wars are all about luck. The enemy team has the same chance of getting inactives or clueless noobs as your team does.
I do agree that devs should spend more time in creating match ups or at least have a better algorithm. I've seen some terrible match ups. I feel like having S5 as indi wars was a great idea, because people who don't have the opportunity to join big war clans can still become good and gain war experience and become introduced into the whole warring aspect. Maybe S5 could of had some clan wars, but I still like that S5 included indi's.
It takes 5 mins to write a thread. And also im pretty sure I was definitly not MIA. Plus i made 3 times your plunder
Then you are blind. The Shadow Hansel, and its predecessor the Guild Hansel, are the reason EE is in its current condition. The devs didn't cause this exploit, the players did. When the devs tried to fix it, those that exploit simply tweaked their build so it would work in much the same way. We the players let this happen, and now do nothing but complain to the devs instead of try to solve the issue by "helping" those who have the exploit builds see the error of their ways.
Well that's definitely an interesting perspective. So what I'm hearing is: The poor devs were powerless to stop the evil players from "exploiting" the game that these helpless developers built. The devs tried their best but the evil exploiters were too powerful and there was absolutely no way to correct the problem... Except that they could have. They didn't even have to come up with the solutions themselves-there are quite a few solid suggestions in this very forum... Unless the devs need our permission to change their game?
I've seen no perfect suggestion so far that solves all of EE's issues without causing more or leading to more exploits. And even if the devs implement one of these, there'd still be a dedicated group of people to complain about it. Why change anything if you'll still get a bad rep for it? Indi, if I recall correctly, was also player suggested, and heavily supported. But here we are, with everyone hating on it. This is why we can't have nice things.
Stop being such a whiner. I'm pretty tired of people acting as though the devs are powerless to implement fixes with regards to problems that exist in the game. Frankly, the very notion that balancing the game is the responsibility of the player and not the developer is absurd. There's not been a single suggestion that corrects every problem? That's not particularly surprising. The issue here is that in many ways it feels as though the developers are ignoring the problems that have plagued wars for a while.. especially with regards to indi wars. People wanted indi wars in the game so that those not in stacked war clans like Death on the Battlefield could war and have a chance at ee and mith upgrades without being stomped repeatedly. With that in mind, let's examine the biggest problem that S5 (and indis in general) have: ~~ POOR MATCHUPS ~~ I'm not going to pretend that there haven't been any good matchups in S5 - of course there have been. I've been in plenty of great wars this season that have felt like reasonably even matchups. Those wars are awesome - the ones where it's truly a test of tracking, good wc calls, and general skill. Unfortunately, those few great wars have been plagued by a large volume of bad ones. My biggest issue with regards to season 5 is that much of the time it feels as though the outcome of the war is decided before it even begins. When I see Lube, Max, Rak, etc all on the enemy roster when mine doesn't have a wc and has several inactives... it's an exercise in frustration rather than an enjoyable experience. My biggest suggestions with regards to fixing season 5's issues are more severe punishments for inactives and more even matchups with regards to wc/tracker, in particular. One player I've seen in at least 4 EE wars and inactive in all of them is Leo - always 0 plunder at the end, most actions I've ever seen is 20. Perhaps harsher punishments like: - 1 war inactive = normal shattered sword - 2 war inactive = Ban for warring for 3 days - 3 war inactive = Ban from S5 I also think that those who are "active" and have actions like Leo but 0 plunder at the end of war should receive some sort of penalty. I think the punishments above would actually be appropriate... I find it hard to believe that somebody who was actually active for a war could possibly end up with 0 plunder at the end. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me on that. My secondary suggestion - more even matchups with regards to WC/tracker, is simply that. There needs to be some sort of system where wcs and trackers can cast a special form of WoC or something so that every clan is guaranteed to have a wc/tracker. Or something remotely similar to that. Harsh punishments for casting WoC for wc/tracker and going inactive would help prevent abuse and in general a system similar to this would probably help ensure more even matchups. Or perhaps the system could take your # of medallions into account when making matchups to put players who are doing especially well on opposing teams. I'm not sure what the perfect solution is, but some sort of fixes need to be put in place.
Where is s6? Cause s5 was a let down. We rushed devs to put it out and this is the result. Its a mutual fault. If this game is still around next year, hopefully the season is not a let down
Again, I don't accept this whole "fault of the player" thing. Part of the devs' job is to release new features, events, etc when ready. That means not caving into pressure from players to release things if they're truly not ready to do so. Simple as that.
Also understand that players will start leaving if theyre not receiving what they wat. You are right though, devs should have beta tested the war match ups and taken more care with s5
I dont mind playing any game if the setup is fair. A regular dice has 6 even sides, a coin is a 50/50 toss. EE S5 is more lije playing with a loaded dice or weighted coin. Players all know it, honest players hate it. Kaw implements a broken sword to inactive statless alts, those players simply recreate another statless alt. Low tiers are rife with statless alts being cast by a player for 1 war or another in hopes of landing at least 1 on each side. Yes the mole technique might be considered a ploy or tactic, but for the honest players giving it their all, it simply cries out foul. Even Tom Brady has to play within the boundaries of rules. Examples: Cuppycake vs Bubbles in opposite rosters, 5&6 actions each to avoid sword and a heartfelt lovefest on their walls. I wonder... With at least 5 or more statless alts on each team, they could have easily gotten 40+ scout actions minimum on others, but didn't. Just did enough to avoid the broken sword minimum but see the opposing cc... Suggestion: statless alt size new players could be placed in their own "statless-new" war tier and let them bang out their 1-5 actions on each other. It appears these statless alts are getting up to L5 EE & medallions anyways. Make them earn it vs each other.