
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Good evening everyone. For starters, this thread's audience is directed towards Americans as it involves the Primaries approaching. This is also a thread that is directed towards the Democratic side of the primaries. Republicans or anyone not interested may leave now or stay and truly see what sort of platform this candidate stands for. This will be a longish thread as it has a lot of information. Read on if you actually care about your Country's politics .

    Now a few more things before we begin. No flaming or trolling, this is Primary time, republicans, you have 52 candidates to sort out between now and election time. Good luck :lol: . If you are a swing voter, please stick around. I will also not tolerate any hate speech or insults. Respect our opinions and beliefs, after all we all vote for whoever appeases to our beliefs more. That's the democratic way!

    Now, this is about the likes of Bernie Sanders. Mainstream media WILL NOT cover him so I'm going to put up a thread about his political stance. It will be informative and shall shed some light on who really is in the running other than Hillary. Yes there is another person other than Hillary. I'll keep it simple with little to no BB codes.

    Let's begin.

    Bernie Sanders is a Democratic Senator from Vermont. He is actually classified as Independent party but runs on the Democratic Ticket. He is the longest running congressional member in the history of the United States under the Independent Party. This is impressive as it shows his knowledge of bipartisanship.

    Let's get to the platform that will cover all major categories. Economy, Welfare, Military, and Civil Liberties/Rights.

    Let's start the ball rolling with Economy.


    Taxes. Oh boy everyone loves taxes. But Bernie is actually for making the tax rate "fairer" towards the middle class. He understands that the rich need to have higher tax rates (sorry guys).


    This campaign is going to send a message to the billionaire class. And that is: you can't have it all. Your greed has got to end. You can't take advantage of all the benefits of America, if you refuse to accept your responsibilities.


    We have a situation where hedge fund managers pay an effective tax rate lower than a truck driver or a nurse. Isn't it time for a change?

    Bernie believes in making the 1% pay what they owe America. No more tax evasions, shelters or frauds. The middle class can't be expected to pay for everything in this country, nor should they have to when the 1% control more wealth than the lower 90% combined.


    Enough is enough. This great nation and it's government belong to all of the people, and not to a handful of Super-PACs and their lobbyists.

    Not to mention he supports equal pay for equal work.


    We must establish pay-equity for women workers. It's unconscionable that women earn less than men for the same work.

    Now to not blow this thread up, I'm going to keep each section short and sweet so on to the next. Welfare is the next one up to bat.


    Bernie supports Medicare/Medicaid. It's been around for 50 years now and he wants to expand it. No one should go without healthcare and suffer because they can't afford it.


    The United States should join every other major nation and recognize that healthcare is a right of citizenship. A Medicare-for-all, single-payer system would provide better care at less cost for more Americans.

    He will also fight for College to be tuition free. We are in a competitive global economy and no American, that studies hard, should be excluded from college because mom and dad couldn't afford it.


    As President, I will fight to make tuition in public colleges and universities free, as well as substantially lower interest rates on student loans.

    He has also gone on record to say that anyone who is in the working class of America, should not be subject to an poverty based lifestyle. Especially when we are the richest country in the nation!


    I don't believe it is a terribly radical idea to say that someone who works 40 hours a week should not be living in poverty.

    That wraps it up for welfare. Of course it's shorter than his entire political stance but onto the next one. Military and this one is quite short.


    Bernie has a huge following of vets that support him. He has gone out of his way to approve funding for better armor, weaponry and technology in the military sector. He's called for more protection of our troops, as well as better VA benefits when they leave the services. All of this while STILL opposing wars!


    As everybody knows, we live in a difficult and dangerous world, and there are people out there who want to do us harm. As President, I will defend this nation -- but I will do it responsibly. As a member of Congress I voted against the war in Iraq, and that was the right vote.

    Bernie supports our military but he does not believe in using military force until it's the last resort. He will not cut spending there, and you better believe that he will keep the military strong enough to protect our nation.

    Now military is over with, on to the next big category. Civil Liberties/Rights.

    Civil Liberties/Rights

    Bernie is big on family values to begin with. He has 4 children and 7 grandchildren. His main motivation to run for president was to leave behind a country that his loved ones can safely live in. It's an admirable reason and a fair one at that.


    Real family values strengthen the bonds of family and improve the lives of our families. When it comes to these values, our country deserves better.

    He believes family is one of the most important aspects of life, and because of that, makes it a top priority on his Presidential To-Do list.


    We are the only major country on earth that does not guarantee paid vacation time.

    Vacation is what makes family, family! You build bonds with family when you are off having a fun time away from work, school and all the stresses of everyday life. It makes everyone happier and healthier to have the ability to know you can take a vacation and not worry about next month's bills.

    Bernie also believes in bringing back universal voter registration! This way everyone in America can register to vote and take part in one the most important aspects of being American. Voting! With the disastrous Supreme Court ruling against Citizens United, Super-PACs and the 1% can now literally buy the presidential candidacy.


    Freedom of Speech does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government.

    Be honest and ask yourself, have you even heard of Bernie Sanders on the mainstream Media? Hell even NBC won't cover him. It's because the politicians are supported by big business and the elite 1%. Just ask Trump! He says he's the only politician not paid for! Well guess what, neither is Bernie.

    Off of this, immigration is next. America, the land of the free and home of the brave. Our Statue of Liberty was a beacon of hope to all immigrants from all around in the 17-1800s. We are a country founded on immigration! People come here for hope to one day prosper and lead their family to a better life.


    We are a nation of immigrants. For generations, families have braved treacherous paths, often fleeing unspeakable poverty and violence, in search of better futures, for better lives for their children.

    That is the American Dream. To one day become something. It is a civil liberty to be given the chance to succeed and those who are American, regardless of the parents are immigrants or not, deserve the opportunity OUR ancestors were given.

    Now that covers all categories but I'm going to drop a miscellaneous/conclusion here.


    Now for the last year, the entirety of the United States has received crazy weather. Hurricanes, Hail, and Rain throughout the country that has never happened before. Climate change is real and something has to be done about it. It is no longer an old folk tale, it has scientifically been proven and we have now had first hand experience with the bizarre weather this country has received the last year.


    We have a moral responsibility to make certain that our kids and grandchildren can live on a habitable planet.

    We need to change this. This country isn't just for us, but for our kids. Our future families. This world we live in is the only thing we can leave behind so we must start to take care of it. It has become apparent that the climate has begun to change and we can actually do something about it. Right now. For our future.

    Bernie is a very transparent candidate. And before I sign off, I've got a couple more pictures highlighting his campaign. The campaign of reason and progressive action. To make a difference that matters and makes this country even better.


    This campaign is not about Bernie Sanders. It is not about Hillary Clinton. It is not about Jeb Bush or anyone else. This campaign is about the needs of the American people, and the ideas and proposals that effectively address those needs.


    Serious campaigns are not about reckless accusations, character assassinations or personal attacks, they are about the issues

    With that, I bid you all, goodnight. I will continue to bump this as I feel it is the best way to get the idea of another Democratic candidate other than Hillary. If you have any questions, please ask me or search for the answers online! Do your research, pick the candidate that suits you. I appreciate your time and effort in reading this and please, everyone of you need to use your American right to vote for the candidate that best suits your needs as an American. Don't take the popular choice, don't pick the front runner, pick someone with your interests in their hearts.

    Also, I do not own any photos nor do I claim to own any photos. These are found on his Facebook page and have been directly utilized from there.
  2. You're still around? Lol
  3. But of course! This would probably be my third thread in the last few weeks :lol:
  4.  #FeelTheBern

    Wonderful candidate, with good policies, and a likable guy. Hope he gets the recognition he needs before Election Day.
  5. That's the plan. Thousands of people play this game, and if they start talking about this guy, soon he will be recognized and the debates will become oh so much more interesting.
  6. Bump because versa?

    Idk who the hell Bernie sanders is but he certainly is a dank meme
  7. Definitely not a meme :lol:
  8. Why he won't be president

    1. Hilary Clinton
    2. He's socialist
    3. Rich don't want him
    4. Low media coverage

    Although I will say he has well thought out public policy programs he can introduce. I'm not sure if you spoke of this but Bernie was involved with many of MLK's movements for equal black rights.

    He certainly is the people's person but the rich own America. Too lead off that he will have the minority vote if he is the final Democrat candidate.
  9. He is trying to make America a socialist country. No thanks look how it works around the world. How do you think he's making colleges all tuition free? Raising taxes. People want the rich to pay more in taxes, why? They employ most. He wants to bring the rich down, raise the poor up... Hmmm everyone to be equal, equal education. He wants to take 98% tax to pay for all of this. "The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money". I support the flat tax so everyone pays the same based on what they make. Some of the richest people in the planet didn't go to college and some drop outs from high school. America isn't about being equal it's about equal opportunity. See when you get your paycheck and you see 98% of your money is going to people who aren't working you say why do I work so hard to keep nothing I could just sit at home and get more money for doing nothing. Thus the system breaks.
  10. Also conservatives like myself have no problem with immigration. It's ILLEGAL immigration we don't like. I don't like anything illegal. It isn't about denying all. We want people coming in to BETTER our nation not drag it down. We have enough poor people who need jobs we don't need more coming in illegally.
  11. how is he gonna raise the minimum wage. he will not help our current debt situation #jedbush4pres.
  12. That's the thing, every candidate is elected through us. It is our job to elect them, not the rich. Also he is a democratic socialist. If you can't understand the difference than I encourage you to figure it out. 3 and 4 go hand in hand here. All it takes is for everyone to mention him at least once to friends and family. "Have you heard Bernie Sanders? Yeah he fights for the 99% and the middle class." That's all you have to say to peak someone's interest.
  13. you can't stump the Trump!
  14. nope people will never vote for him he will destroy this country.

  15. Trying to make America socialist? Please get off your rocking chair, America IS socialist.

    Here's a story for you to read:

    "This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the U.S Department of Energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that I turned on the television to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national Weather Service of the National Oceonagraphic and Atmospheric Administration determined what the weather was going to be like using satellites developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.

    At the appropriate time as regulated by the U.S. Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and drive to work on roads built by the local state and federal departments of transportation stopping to purchase additional fuel who's quality was confirmed good enough by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank. On my way out, I deposit my mail to be delivered by the U.S. postal service and drop my children off at the public school.

    After work I drive my NHTSA car back home on DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshall's inspection, and which has not been robbed of all it's valuables thanks to the local police department.

    I then log onto the Internet which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration and post on a Kingdoms at War thread about how SOCIALISM in America is bad because the Government can't do anything right."

    Does that about hit the nail on the head?

  16. Give me a couple ideas to cut the debt. Please do because without cutting programs, it's going to take an increase in Taxation and more job creation. Every candidate wants to increase job creation, Bernie is just gonna do it by funding a massive infrastructural revitalization of the nation. It will create 13 million jobs to repair or reconstruct all of the roads, bridges, buildings and other crumbling infrastructure that this country needs to succeed. Or how about getting more college educated workers to make our economy stronger and more competitive? The top jobs will come here instead of being outsourced because we have the staff to fill those positions. Or how about the fact he will increase the taxation process for the rich so there isn't any shelters or write offs. If they have to pay 30-40% in taxes, then all of that is going to the people of America, just like all of the middle to lower class taxes go to the people of America.
  17. hmmmm. That's going to raise our debt silly. why not pay the damn debt back with the riches money. and the only way to avoid a war is to end the war quicly. if you just sit there. and watch millions die. WILL THEY NOT STRIKE THE USA NEXT,!!