Ok, let me start off by saying that im not one to advocate spending any more money on this game then people already do You guys are crazy enough as it is (the community says youre welcome devs ) One thing i will def spend on is xtals for war. three indy wars in a row ive had the pleause of warring with the non spenders - and to be fair - one or two people not xtalling in war is doable . 4/5 though? A quarter of your rosters- tough. So i have a proposal for devs. Although it requires some tinkering i guess but just thinking outloud here. Proposal: create a war vault. Players can put funds directly into war vault in $1-$5 increments. Create new wave of conflict. New wave of conflict takes 50 cents or a dollar whatever out of vault per war. You would not be able to cast this wave of conflict unless there is the minimum amount in the vault. From there players still use an xtal to regen in war - if they have one already - it is refunded after war. If they do not have one - they are given one xtal when they cast wave and it is not refunded after use in war. So devs still making some profit and it would guarantee players have a damn xtal for war It is completely ridiculous that we are being forced to compete this way , luck of the draw , at the mercy of the roster making system And for people who do not xtal- one question? What would happen every single war if everyone else on your team didnt xtal ? Its not necessary right? Every single win you have is owed to other people paying your way. Questions comments welcome - good day
Support. Just one more reason added to the long list of why I refuse to participate actively in this season. #OnlygonnawartorenewEE
Better off just letting devs take xtal in war.. If you don't use it you get it back. If you do it's the same chances to get it back if you win/lose. Only problem would be people not using it
No it isn't. Don't war without xtals. Not a "gap". Just makes it better for warrers who xtal and lose due to people who don't xtal
No support I have xtals and not spending anything on kaw for a while why would I have to buy wave of conflict when I have xtals. Just make it a 1 xtal buy into war if you dont use that xtal in war its gone easy.
What gap? A war really doesn't create a gap... Devs could institute a JV option for people who want to learn or war without xtal... But all of this is just a waste of time anyway...Do you really see devs making any meaningful changes to ee? S5 is the perfect example of how little effort they want to put into this area.
It's a 10+ game. Not fair to make any aspect of the game limited to only people willing or able to spend money. War is a gamble...always has been. Even if your in a clan war with an awesome clan...you never know if your going to win or lose...throw yourself in an indi war and the risk is larger..which you should already be well aware of. So..no support.
People without xtals/money can still war by casting regular wave - which would be the free war area or whatever Free war zone - get it ?
The point of the xtal reimbursement through the war vault for people without xtals being given one to use in war and then not having it refunded -is so that we dont have to double pay for warz you pay once for war and thats it. If you have xtals they can be used in eb or osw or whatever
But an idea did just occur to me. Tweak the game so that people who ARE going to xtal combine 1 xtals with wave of conflict spell to create a separate spell. the xtal wouldnt go to waste. You would have the option to use this regenerate your troops 1 time in this bracket . And so..all those with this new spell are in a bracket of their own to be grouped and placed with each other. All those with a simple wave of conflict spell are presumed to have no xtals and will be grouped among themselves. Xtal use could be turned off in this brackets wars...insuring this wars couldn't be exploited.
Half the time ppl say so and so didn't xstal is just not true. You can be low ranked and targeted and have very few successful actions.
The only people I see complaining are people who don't spend and have no war experience. Frog does make an excellent point but two wars ago MY__WILD__TH had 11 actions almost all war, he xstalled at about 25 minutes left and was wr 2 from there on. A player who is decent and has some war experience can get 20-25 actions off an xstal. A war vet can clear his xstal out with minimal inc unless tanking. But when you have less than 20 actions in a war and claimed you xstalled it's either 1 you just bled everywhere or 2 you didn't xstal. And most likely of those scenarios was that you didn't xstal. I think instead of paying $1 to cast woc I think you should be able to buy keys to unlock woc like xstals or make cheaper xstals for war only. Make it like 2 for a $1, 12 for $6, 64 for $20.
Got my ass kicked yesterday xtalled and only had 37 actions dont think there would be much of a problem in your bracket but in lower brackets like mine there is Definately people who wont xtal.
No no no this isnt about low actions - this about saying " so and so xtal and scout so and so" With a reply of " i dont have an xtal" The end
presumably i like that idea, but i can't see how that ppl bring to xstal during war. just make ur buy in and if u dont use it u gwet it refunded. I think just transperancy would help, means - in the roster overview ppl should have a small midget/sign that indicates the usage of a xstal or not. just for ur own roster and if the war is finished. combine that with a voting after war ppl could get banned for some number of wars. sometimes wc dont call all xstall or technical issuess etc. so let the roster decide if the behavior of each warrior was appropriate. after collecting a specific amount of negative votings those account is banned from war for a certain time.
The devs don't require anyone to pay to war. In theory every aspect of this game to meet marketing criteria is free to play. Paying is a players choice to advance more rapidly within the game. Xtals in War are an option. Not a requirement. It is the player base that has demanded the use of them. Not the devs, so why should the devs fix something that players can fix by simply not wasting their xtals on war and spending them on hte? Want to xtal in an indi. Fine go ahead. But you have no right to demand every player also does that which you desire them to. Players destroyed the clan war system. This is a result of that abuse. Deal with it.
How about if it cost u the price of a xtal to sign-up and the devs would give u a xtal in return to use for the war ?
Every thread like these is more of harassing/shaming those who choose to free play instead of spend 50$ a month on xstals Developers already said harassing those who opt out of pvp events is a TOS violation How is this any different, complaining and running war threads posting those who dont xstal or farming them because they cant pay to play This deserves a lock
Dude you need xstals to win wars. End of story. The people who never ever xtal are winning wars because EVERYONE ELSE ON THEIR TEAM IS USING XTALS You fool Xtals are not required to war BUT THEY ARE REQUIRED TO WIN (95% of the time )