Kotfe Awakening overrules Apoc ruling

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Miek01, Aug 9, 2015.

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  1. facepalm
  2. Op letting their tongue get the teeth knocked out
  3. You were stripped by your 1vs1 moron
  4. and three clans stealing from him?
  5. If a strip is occurring in a 1v1 , obviously all of the allies are hired by whomever is in the 1v1. Then they open the strip up to the clans. I know you can't strip ebs so I'll let you in on a little info. Trying to strip a person with just 1 account is next to impossible unless the stripped account is inactive for at least a day. When you are in a family who thrives on osw/stripping such as ours, we are obviously going to help put bars into the strip. You're an idiot if you think otherwise. You don't like it? Feel free to try and change how we handle things. But trust me, you won't get far, and you'll end up making a thread, just like this one. Good day.
  6. All I keep reading here is " boohoo, I messed with the best and sexiest clan in kaw and now I'm naked, useless and irrelevant. " you're not the first to be butthurt like this and won't be the last but this is getting old and stupid.
  7. How can he hit ogreatone or xlantis when there both way bigger? I think he's talking bill gets one hit in then they hit back now he whines
  8. interesting thing here, they talk about stripfarming but they strip but don't steal the gold  
  9. Their you have it next Zaft of KaW, this will be interesting.
  10. What bothers Kotfe most is that I made this thread. They keep going on about it... With all that has been going on in Europe about freedom of speech and such, it's not realistic to expect I would close it.
  11. Then those bars change it from a pvp into CvP since hits came from other people
  12. You self stripped lol
  14. all you noobs who currently think just because Kotfe is in osw, it gives you the right to gang up on our members and we will ignore

    We will not sit back and let that happen. If our guys strip we will support with steals. you take a 1v1 to 3v1 we will join in

    And you will all end up naked.

    A warning to any clan supporting these idiots and letting them stay in clan, we wont be accepting that either

    Mess with Kotfe you will have consequences

    Kotfe stay of this thread now, you cant reason with stupidity 

    KotFE Lord
  15. The perfect way for a mod to act, classy. 
  16. i guess im stupid when i think opening a strip isnt 1v1. delight me
  17. Gang up? Thats funny all i said was 3 noobs to cf to in a thread called "The Apology." Dbad1 took offense to that and jumped all over my grill, that just shows how big of a noob he really is. OsW? Hard to say that your in a "OsW" when your members are out picking fights with other people including eb fairy clans like IB lol.

    This was always a 1v1 me and dbad1 till you all decided to strip no one else from my behalf helped me at all quit your lying.

    Consequences how about play me at a first player shooting game ill show you consequences when you cant buy stats to over power a smaller account.

    Kotfe is getting a bad rep now, keep recruiting losers and group jumping everyone that pvps your members when they cry ofter they start hitting another player who wont cf to them you all eventually end up in Zafts position. Dont excpect me to give a cf either i really dont care if you all keep hitting me.
  18. Silver who do thinks cares about your butt hurt. Your mouth got you in this...don't think anyone cares if u CF or not.
  19. Dear diary : busy day at work today. Good fun night in kaw. Had good chat with opposition:) at least I know one of them is sentient . Enjoying attention today particularly- a lot if very serious kofte are very seriously farming me in a serious way . Almost machine like ! Bless you all and happy kawing
  20. vixen is a bit overfocused on the physical act I think. When she has got no answer all she does is suggestive dialogue. Tells more about her then about me...I think she is in pimd too.
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