Season 5 - Ally Hires

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Queen, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. Below is a copy of an email I have sent to to draw their attention to an issue I consider needs addressing.

    Kingdoms at War

    Dear Support

    Please pass this to the developers.

    Before season 5 was implemented you asked for feedback on 2 war formats; round and indi. Indi was seen to be the fairest option for all and so we have this format for our Season Wars.

    During these wars a number of problems have come to light. One problem in particular requires your URGENT attention. As ally hires are not disabled during wars, there is now a culture for stripping builds of their allies, making the war result unfair. Before you mention the spell to hide allies, may I remind you that even before the season began many have taken screenshots of allies so that even with the allies hidden they can be bought.

    This act should be reserved for off system wars only and has no place in what you want to promote as a "fair system".

    I would urgently request that you disable ally hires for the remainder of Season 5 as soon as possible. Many LB warriors who spend a lot of their money on this game in Seals and Xtals for HTE are being subjected to this aggressive act of war and as a result will leave the game if you do not act quickly to rescue this season from this disease.

    There are many things wrong with indi war, this just makes things worse and makes the season which all warriors look forward to, unbearable.

    If you want to lose gamers who spend many $1000's on your game then you will do nothing. On the other hand, I hope you will listen to my voice of reason and act appropriately.

    Kind regards

    It will be interesting to see how many support me and how many consider this an honourable act in a system that we all know has many flaws.

    Put your cards on the table. Only a United kawmunity will change this aspect for the good of all. In my opinion, ally hires to gain an unfair advantage is a low and dishonourable act of war, reserved for off system wars and should have no place in Season Wars.

    The Devs promoted this Season as being the fairest for all to participate in. Surely therefore, all builds should be able to war without risk.

    Let the trolls begin.........
  2. support this!!!! I will declare that i wont war as ps again until u fix this Devs
  3. While I do consider this a dishonorable act, I do not support it being restricted. I do believe the 24-hour hide ally spell should be cheaper to make it easier to prevent this problem.
  4. Quit your whining op..all's fair in love and war. Since when is someone taking advantage of an idiot considered a "dishonest" act. You people cry about everything on this game.
  5. If you think the ally hire spell will prevent this and save you, you're wrong. This is especially prevalent in the LB tier. Those who were hansels before the Season began had their allies screenshot for hiring later. However, this disease is spreading through the lower tiers also. So don't go thinking you're safe just coz you cast the ally hire spell
  6. Dont get a build you cant attack if you dont want to be stripped. No support
  7. "aggressive act of war" lol, it is war
  8. If it improves the game for more people I'll talk all I want
  9. War isn't meant to be "cuddly". I get that. So you're on the side of the unfair advantage too? I get that also ;)
  10. If you're a ps with gold out you can lose billions in a short space of time with hits. Especially if you're BC
  11. My opinion is if you don't want the risk of being stripped don't war.
  12. Pure spy ally hires are normal part of war

    You don't want to loose gold don't be a ps

    Ps are noob builds anyways
  13. If it's completely ok when not an official season (and All-Star wars which some claim is tradition), why would it be anything different during Season 5?

    To your point about ally hire spell not truly effective, I do agree that doesn't solve it completely. Perhaps they could establish a new spell that prevents one ally of your choice from being hired for two hours and you pay however many allies you want to protect.
  14. sko to prevent the enemy from gaining much plunder, if you do not want to lose gold do not war.
  15. No Support

    "who wishes to fight must first count the cost"

    Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  16. I'm trying to gain a solution. If not, then ps will more than likely war as hansels. Take your pick!
  17. Bigger problem is people intentionally opening up. Have them restrict any dropping of allies/selling of items in war.