keep it classy EE warriors

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllI_ASTHMA_IllI, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Just wanted to say that in my bracket of Indy wars it seems that most people are mature adults and they keep cc very uplifting and nice. Now I do have alts that I've used in other brackets and can be somewhat of a party house...

    How are the conversations amongst your bracket? Is it a lot of cursing/yelling/arguing etc.? Or it it classy like my bracket?
  2.  so far, its been good attitude,
  3. Depends on the people I get when I war. For the most part, the people in the bracket I war in are nice, polite people.
  4. To many people cry in my bracket
  5. I get angry and let it all out in cc when idiots dont listen its pretty funny.
  6. Similar bracket to grizzy on alt. When I WC its like trying to send an army of sheep to defeat a pack of lions.
  7. Too many in actives in mine. And mostly noob talk.
  8. Id fear an army of sheep led by a lion, but I'd never fear an army of lions led by a sheep.
  9. So profound, just like me ;)
  10. Then you're an idiot.

    But seriously, 50 lions and 1 sheep, or 1 lion and 50 sheep. Pretty obvious...

    But I get your meaning.

    So deep... Almost as deep as (insert 'your mum' joke here),
  11. Just because your a lion doesn't mean you're a killer. Wars are often won not by the sheer numbers of men or strength of their weapons but how the leaders can tactically out beat their opponents.

    Like the French in WW2, they didn't think for a second the Germans would go through the thick forests with all their heavy equipment but they did and conquered France

    Or the Americans on D Day who stormed the beaches of Normandy. Those landing on the beach were mere cannon fodder but those who were inserted to go around and flank destroyed a German stronghold position.

    Tactics, are key to winning. As well as people who have the faith in your skills
  12. i only call out people who seem like they arent giving any effort. everyone gets kod sometimes but you can tell when someone doesnt give two poops
  13. Terrible lmao 
  14. Adults tend to have more money than kids/teenagers, so are more likely to have bigger accounts on this game, since that requires money. So I'd assume that as you go up the brackets, the number of kids decreases, which is why the higher tiers are 'kept classy'
  15. You can only enter 1 account per war I thought...

  16. Correct
  17. Im shocked on how many people do one unload and go inactive in my bracket. Out of the 4 wars ive lost, all 4 of them i would have won if there werent inactives. All close wars within 1-2b.

    No surprise about how the eb builds leak like crazy and cant sko more than 10% of the time though.
  18. my bracket ends up every war for the most part passing the blame and playing the blame game if we lose lol
  19. Its called entertainment you clown
  20. I'm too scared to say anything they all big peeps