I war alot and im up in the s5 standings. I know all of you are just wondering how i blow u all away. Thoughts on me live streaming some wars. Thx
I'd say go for it. Maybe kaw would get more attention and a bigger noob base so we're not constantly vollying alts or noobs that log in once and never touch the app again. Support, if it goes somewhere.
Not really...you can't really stop asking about wave times after its been posted in ca and repeated 10 times (literally). Perhaps when you're more experienced. New warrers may watch your stream and get the wrong "tutorial" on how to war proper haha
How would you stream it? What time? Twitch/YouTube? When? Microphone? Facecam? More information please.
KaW isnt looked at as something significant on twitch. If we want to start a movement, we need a lot of people (talking hundreds to thousands) of people to watch a stream so that it gets high numbers on twitch.
I don't know Lemme see, I'm actually streaming an EE war right now Edit: It does! http://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Kingdoms%20at%20War