After some of your thoughts forums... I believe that the developers have made a terrible and grave mistake. There. I've said it. And I'm writing this purely because I was burned today. Burned bad in war. (Done with the melodrama?) Seriously though below shows the newsfeed notifications I received after my war today: I started today with a medallion count of 0. Zilch. Nada. Nill (you get the idea) but I outperformed in war garnering both one of the top plunders and top number of knock outs. This resorted in my reward of 2 medallions shweeet! However, because the server gives medallions for those rewards before taking them away from a war loss I only received 1 of my deserving 2. It would be better if the server did things in a different order such as below: Swapping these over preserves those who have 0 medallions before a war to get the medallions they deserve at the end. #rantover #iknowyoudontcare #whereismymissingmedallion!? #inb4"theserewardsshouldntexist" #inb4first #hashtag
Personally I have to say I disagree. This way it guarantees you get the overall 1 medal net you earned.
Idk, I think it would be fair to allow you to keep both, under the circumstance, because had he won one and only one by fitting into one of the top qualifying positions, he gains zero. Had he not qualified in any top spot he would have netted nothing. I'm afraid I agree, system should be fixed for the top performers to keep all rewards, because none of the others who had zero to begin with lost anything.It is , after all a reward for being in the top performers, and the slots are few.
Jeez do you noobs ever shut up complaining? You cry waiting for s5 then cry more when it comes. Please just shut up
Agreed Moody. Ya worked hard for those top positions, you earned the medallions. A loss shouldn't remove half the work you'd done.
So basically you're talking about a free medallion for those that have zero. Though, everyone else would only have earned one if they started with atleast one medallion.