Hi guys I wouldn't normally complain about war lag it's something everyone deals with but I had a problem today that I don't think was lag, possibly a bug? It happened to me in both wars today. Basically it was very similar both times. I had Xstraled and it was when I was plundering down to Sko near the end of the war. Both times the opposition caught me diving and I got some heavy inc, at this moment when I was still had about 10-20% left of troops I got the message saying "Not enough units". I've had this before in wars where I've been ko'd very fast and it takes time for kaw to update for the inc. This time was different though as the inc continued coming and I watched my bar gradually decrease. I had about 5 mins of this in the first war to the point where I restarted the app tried many different targets and no change till I was finally ko'd. The second war the same thing happened but this time it took them only a minute from the time I got the "not enough units" message while I still had 10% left for them to ko me, I then came up again 10 mins later and everything worked fine again. Let me know if that made no sense but as I said I wouldn't normally complain about lag but this wasn't lag it was more of a bug. One other member in my first clan said they had the exact same problem. Was wondering if anyone else had a similar issue?
Happens to everyone. My spies go down by 200 instead of 20000 when I hit from a full bar down to low spies.
Yep Grizzy that's the problem I had. A mod had the same problem and has reported it so the devs are looking at it.
if you have 10% left the enemies can destroy you within seconds due to fast fingers or getting ganged on and it creates a lag, something that happens alot. happens in normal PvP too where I could have 20% then jump to 1% then I get 50 Inc outta nowhere from a lag spike lols
I've had similar problems I still have 1% left but I can't get rid of them since I get the "no units" message but I seem to still get attacked and KO so I'm not sure if the troop bar doesn't update in time or if there's a bug when you have 1% troops and are being attacked.
Yep I've had that issue before as well where suddenly I've been ko from 10%, this was different though from when I got the message "not enough units" too when I was ko'd in the first war was just under 5 minutes, I had time to restart the app and say about it on cc until I was finally ko'd and through out that time I was watching inc gradually coming in.
I have been doing a ee every day before s5 I have never had this problem so you are wrong and clearly have no idea what the problem even is.
I've had this since ee came out lol what are you smoking. you obviously never get hit by anyone fast or more than 1 person.
I do know this though you are a war runner and cant spell to save your life go to college and learn or something.
I knew a lot would say it's just lag that's actually why I said in my first post I wouldn't complain if it was just lag, I've been warring since S2 I know exactly the problem you guys are saying about it sometimes lagging and taking time for the bars to catch up with your inc. This is something completely different as lasts a much longer time, I can reload the app and no update. It's not lag as I could watch the inc gradually come in over the next five minutes and when I was ko'd I got the message and it came up in cc, not like when it lags and it would have shown up in cc as happening 5 minutes earlier than that.