Season 5 Inactives - Wall of Shame

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. He was an inactive PS with gold out and an entire team mass xtaled on him :)
  2. Gotta luv IWars 

    We had no PS but had 1 Hansel.
    We tried despite that lol

    Well da fun has begun GL ALL
  3. Gotcha! Really sucks to get someone like that on your team. Hope he'll get what's coming to him.
  4. That would be enter more wars he wants to.
    Otherwise ur only option is e-mail support if a valid issue for Devs to look into.
  5. Only if they insist on doing it over another person. Can't fault someone for stepping up when no one else will.
  6. I mean the ones that throw a hissy fit when somebody says no, and they're hideously bad at it.
  7. if you guys wanna post screenshots of moles/cc spammers post them on this thread.
  8. Or do it yourself n man up.
    Thats how u point fingers.
  9. I know that I am not experienced enough to play WC. I have been in several Indies where somebody stepped up, who was not good for it. And when many people, including myself said no, he threw a fit, threatened to leak, etc.

    He has long since quit KaW 
  10. Agree with nighthawk.
  11. Is the smallest 2 bracket included in the inactive list?
  12. Add them to the New Age weekend farm list. We just want to hit someone. Having an excuse or a reason is just a bonus.
  13. Become a pure spy with gold out and be inactive all war.
  14. nah noobs that just to be good at war don't deserve to be acknowledged
  15. Grizz is the best wc ever
  16. Serbanana
  17. ImmortalWrit3r
  18. milkywayyy
    and juicyjhonny
    milky was gone most of war and came back last 2 waves. cause he had an easy war with his other acc. I say he deserves broken sword still
  19. Hey rocket I didn't drop build, I simply decided to give being an actual noob one more chance before I retired. Being as it was one of the most fun periods I had on law.
  20. I saw mu name