Season 5 Medal Drops

Discussion in 'Wars' started by NotTom, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Hi all, I have seen many people confused about how the medal drops are working this season, as it was not entirely clear in the devs OP.

    Everyone on the winning team gets 3 medals as a base.

    Everyone on losing teams loses 1 medal as a base.

    Extra medals work as follows:

    The top 3 plunderers in the whole war, not on each team, over the WHOLE war, get an additional medal each. For example, if WR1,2,3 in one clan made 4b,3b,2.5b respectively and WR1,2,3 in the other clan make 3.5b,3.2b,2b, WR1 of clan 1 and WR 1 and 2 of clan 2 would get the additional medals for plunder.

    The same is true for top actions and KO's.

    Now, I have heard from many friends that people have been going rogue in order to achieve these additional medals.

    Do not do this.

    Even if you managed to get all 3 additional ones by going rogue and ignoring wc, chances are it will hurt your team and you will end up losing the war. This would give you only +2 medals, rather than the +3 you would have obtained from the win had you listened to your wc. And it is highly likely that you will suffer from not following and get KO'd, losing you the plunder you wanted for that extra medal anyway. So do everyone a favour and follow the war commander. Ty.

    Hope that makes sense, won't be updating or answering questions on the thread. Just thought this would help.
  2. Thank you for that last paragraph Tom.
  3. Suppprt, don't go rogue noobs
  4. Do not go rogue
  5. Support. Thank you for making it clear that it makes more sense to listen to WC than not. I think this thread should be sticikied for the duration of S5. Anyone else agree?
  6. Nothin to stop ppl..thats IWar
  7. How long will tom gain 6 a war? We will see
  8. No sorry dont agree
    1. It says all about medals in the s5 post.
    2. Its indi do what you want.
  9. I disagree S5 post doesn't explain it properly whereas this does thanks tom.
  10. How to lose wars 101
  11. Lol I follow wc always im not selfish but it is a individual war you are warring for yourself you dont have to follow anyone.
  12. Everyone keeps referring to this guy who wrote the post as Tom but it clearly says he is Not Tom
  13. Got gum gum dumb dumb
    Stay in school
  14. Ah school surprised you know what that is.
  15. No I in team but I in indi. Just get your medallions and move onto next war
  16. Great post op.
  18. Effortlessly Brilliant !
  19. That it does