Weekend Chaos review

Discussion in 'Wars' started by idontevenwar, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. New Age PvP Chaos

    Recently the clan "New Age" hosted a pvp event in which participants used spies in a wc roulette style event called "Hide and go steal".

    I participated on a different account, and i quite enjoyed myself. The vibe was great. The clan you came from didnt really matter, as long as you were willing to farm.

    The object of the event was to gather noob tears, or for those unaware, complaints of farming from either the target, clan administration, or clan owner, in the form of wall rage, pm, or walling the clan owner. There were many of these. When you got one, you call it out in cc and laugh about it. Idk how to link, but all the rules are in the OP for the event, along with ss of these tears.

    My Opinion:Great player ran event, that more clans should try to take part in and emulate in the future. I would like to see this type of thing again in the near future.

    Any opinions on the event are welcome on this thread.
  2. Chaos, Passion, and glorious PvP was promised. Sensing an opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of OSW and making your enemies beg for mercy, I, with many others, flocked to New Age for their Off System "Weekend Chaos" event. I was not disappointed.
    The general idea was simply find a hit worthy player in WC, (and they are not rare) and dump spies and soldiers on them until their rear ends were red from the royal spanking you had given them.
    It is glorious fun. It makes hitting the EB look like playing pong on your N64. The Chaos of it all is really quite beautiful. Will you get inc back from them? Will they cry on your wall? Will they call mommy and daddy accounts?
    And that is the beauty of PvP. I must admit, this being my first time doing something like this, (shocking right?) I am hooked.
    Now, the basic idea was to dump spies into the noobs, and dump soldiers into the EB that was running on the side. This didn't work as well for me, but hey, rules is rules.
    My first farm got me a follow, and then an unfollow. I didn't technically count this as a noob tear, so I kept farming until it happened. My first tear!
    I hit a dude three times with soldiers, and assassinated him another. He then came on my wall, asking why I was hitting him.
    I returned with the classic argument. This is a PvP game where we attack other kingdoms. No reply. I continued attacking no reply. There is no shame in beating a dead horse, so I kept on.
    But as I continued, I decided that, either PvP is dead, or people are afraid of getting into a fight with NA, because I was receiving little to no Inc.
    And then I hit bluePRINTSofWAR. And he hit me. And hit me. And hit me. Like an abusive step father.
    Great fun.
    It's almost over now. I have a more detailed article on a large strip we performed last night as well.
  3. Well said zeth. The event was great, some people were good natured about it, some were not. I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of inc yafi was willing to give, in comparison to the amount zaft gives(0)
  4. Yeah, I was fairy surprised at the YAFI inc too.
  5. We are glad you enjoyed it!
    Next weekend we have already mapped out. It will be different, but fun non-the-less.

    A big hint is this.
    If you do an indy war, and you have an inactive player. SS their name. ;)
  6. I dont feel much for farming innocent, although noob tears are always fun.

    But the new PvP weekend of NA really is a big contribution to the KaWmunnity. Being inactive now gives a bigger punishment than broken sword (being farmed). So NA is now having fun, reducing inactives through bigger punishment and bringing a big PvP impuls. Nice idea, looking forward to joining NA for the weekend