ATA needs to change their game NOW.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by catschrodinger, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Agreed...
    Waaaaa waaaaa  always the same crap. " I don't log in but once a day and hit, I don't spend a dime on the game, and I'm not on LB yet. "  dozens of forum posts about it.
    Some of us older players, who've been playing 4-5 years, would be absolutely appalled if a new player started and was instantly huge. The devs did make it really easy for newer players to grow. Decreased the prices of buildings, decreased the price of a lot of stuff to assist the new player.
    If you weren't here long enough to know what a plunder war was, weren't here back in the days mithril and EBs didn't exist, haven't been on Kaw long enough to know what it was like having to grow by only hitting another player, back when the max spy stats were 324k/324k and everyone had clan osfs they relied upon to either drop pots to hit in clan , or , your only source of income was farming players or going after inactive accounts just to make a few gold, having new members join as noobs and finding them inactives to smack to make some cash...
    Knowing and recognizing the "Heart Wars", or having original All Star badges from long ago.... You simply don't belong at the top.
    Now, at the rate the game changes, even old veteran LB players retire and soon, even newer players outpace those who quit.
    I knew IMF, as well as dozens of other top LB people when they were noobs.
    If you don't recognize the name Majesty, if you don't recognize the term "Hit and Run", if you think the word iTeam is an animated cartoon... If an OSF and OAF don't mean crap to you.... You simply haven't been around long enough to earn your big boy pants. Stop making stupid posts about ATA needing to change the game.

    The game went through far too many changes in my opinion. They added necklaces and jewelry and stuff you collect and upgrade. Clan loyalty in most clans is complete crap. The LB is filled with clans that people aren't actually members of, they're just there whacking a digital monster and when they are done... They just move on.
    Only actual loyalty is in strong osw clans, which have been around forever . If you don't like the game structure, go find a tight clan and become actual tight family with them. You'll enjoy the game a lot better than hopping from fake monster clan to another fake monster clan with zero loyalty. Get organized and tight with a group of like minded people. It's the people that make this game. The game mechanics, by themselves are quite silly. If there wasn't a chat function and very cool people we've all met, nobody would play this silly game. Get into an osw clan as a very trusted member... The entire game as you know it will change and you'll stop complaining about silly crap.
    (Advice from an old bear. Take it or leave it... We've been around forever and the game, while I don't like changes the last 2-3 years, it's the people, not the tap tap.) if you're anti-social and don't like anyone and you refuse to join a tight clan, just reset and go away. The game will always be the same to you.
  2. Any game is fun its ppl who cannot have fun r the problem.

    I ask Ops 1 question what school of business did u attend?
    I'd say none so quit this lecture.
  3. So if I read that correctly you are not a Trump fan?
  4. PoppaBear said it perfectly. I remember iG being a huge power in kaw and back when chongo hombre was leading the pack of LB. fun times of kaw. I personally, messed up and reset multiple times for different reasons and am not a huge player like i should be if I've played this long. I'm not complaining. Do you know of any game ever made that you start out on top? No, I can't think of one either. Because they don't exist. So when this game is like every other game, don't complain. Go play some single player game so maybe you can be number 1 without working hard.
  5. this exactly ...less people playing but they're making more off the people that haven't left. Less overhead and a higher profit margin, from a business standpoint it's going exactly as they or any business minded person would want it to go.

    Now is it sustainable? of course not ...I've said it so many times before. It doesn't matter to them if KAW goes under their "emotional" attachment for the game is long gone. It's all about making as much as they can before the wheels fall off the cart. And, I'm not being judgmental in a negative way ...devs aren't "gamers" anymore their businessmen now.
  6. Someone replied to my post on page 3 that the issue isn't ads, it's that the tutorial is outdated and doesn't tell you much. That is correct. I think it might be time to go the path of "Anime character with large breasts tells you exactly what to do". You see this on most games these days, and I guess it works. Make a petitiooooon.
  7. If they give us this new tutorial will I have to reset to see it? :(
  8. Right on the money.
  9. "would" be apalled?'re not already? for a couple hundred bucks you can seal your way to the big boys hit range in weeks.

    ...what apalls me is how some older players/clans will suck up to newbs because they have seals  Forget about experience and loyalty. Show up in a clan that's doing an EB event with a stack of seals and see how they clammer to suck your ass. I've seen more then several clans screw over people they shouldn't just for the chance at free HTE (it's disgusting)
  10. I guess that new people should have some say but as someone said before it's a game of patience and people who don't want to commit to this and havr have only experienced a small part of the game they haven't experienced the whole game which is massive, maybe before posting they could look around some more and discover something that interests them or makes them grow without you buying seals and you could always get a lucky seal drop
  11. The ppl r who drive the bus.
    KaW is the bus.
    The devs provide the bus.
    Put the credit or blame where it belongs.

    Ppl need to change this worn out tune.