1st GOP Debate

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by heeeeeeeeeres_BUCKEYE, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. Which one of them wants to nuke the middle east? They can have my vote.
  2. You're sickening.
  3. Trump for prez 
  4. trump wants to invade Russia and Iran and someone else

    You might like him.

    But have fun fighting his wars when the draft comes back
  5. Christie is nothing but a bully...Agree with op Rubio most presidential
  6. Trump dominate the debate he was the one who spoke the longest with 10 mins
  7. The only one to speak for 10 mins and get no words out at all"
  8. [​IMG]

    Trump 2016
  9. Ted Cruz will win hopefully
  10. Vote Jeb bush we need another war. Bush = war and prosperity. You know it makes sense. Plus he doesn't play with cigars.
  11. I don't think Jeb will start a war. He will follow through with national strategy the same way Hillary will. Jeb is a neo-con just like Hillary, they follow the same directive.

    Trump needs to be careful. If he thought messing with Mexicans and El Chapo was dangerous, he hasn't met the Megyn Kelly fan boys yet. They are calling for his disembowelment.

    Trump is on his way out. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. Donald is a Duck. Capital D.
  12. Bush will take it cuz he appeals to a wide demographic

    - he's married into a Latino family and Latinos will have a voice representing them
    - he's religious
    - I think most ppl might assume he's like his brother but listening to him you find that they are very different - mannerisms, personally and how they talk

    In terms of vp
    - kasich is a possiblity cuz of Ohio vote
    - fiorino also who I heard stole the show
    - Paul has a big enough followin to get consideration
  13. I was thinking though. If Trump could just stop being reactionary to every comment made about him, he could play the victim card a little easier. I have no real love for Fox News, but they are the established network of the Republican Party. I don't see how attacking news anchors will help his cause. They can barely stomach Tea Party and Libertarian at that network. Fox is GOP and big business. Not conservative alternatives.

    He should lay low and wait for a opening, and try to stay away from overreacting. Think about it. If we get into a political dispute with another nation, do we really want Trump running his mouth? Using US as his political pawns. Claiming what he is doing is in OUR name. That is what he will do IMO. They will throw a couple polls together of 2000 people and we all look stupid, and be misrepresented yet again.

    That was one of my major issues with the Obama administration. The manner they have conducted theirselves internationally. Like Jen Psaki for example. It is embarrassing. Tough talk is good for sound bites for the minority of people who actually follow politics, not the mainstream silent majority. Which is what he needs to appeal too.

    I don't think we are going to break the dynasties and establishment candidates with Trump. We just have to be more precise about what it is we expect. That includes the personal conduct of the appointed individuals that are chosen to represent OUR interest, ideological policy and politics aside.

    If Trump wants to stay in the race he is going to have to display ability to take criticism, and make the proper adjustments, It is a given he will be sand bagged, it's how he handles that is what is most important to me. The character of the candidate takes precedence, we have a nation full of policy speculators and law writers. He would just have to choose wisely, not necessarily conceptualize law/policy.
  14. Back from the dead
  15. The cure to all that has gone wrong under Obama.
  16. What a clown show that debate turned out to be. It scares me that any one of them would even be nominated to run for the presidency.
  17. The best field we have seen from either party in years. We are talking 17 candidates. A woman, an African American, two Americans of Cuban descent, and whatever Jindal is.

    Democrats are fielding a bunch of old white people.
  18. Not even a bunch really, what like 6 or 7?
  19. In other words, you want more of the same policies that led to what would have been Great Depression II prior to Obama stepping foot in oval office?

  20. Isn't that the twit who thought cooking bacon on a hot gun barrel was " cool "  amongst the other stupid that comes out of his mouth