As i said earlier, this game is running exactly the way ata wants it to run. Thats the real issue. Theres a ton of things that the devs could do that would be great for the community, but they dont have too. Imo, they were done with this game a long time ago but players keep on spending large amounts of money. We complain about rosters on droids requiring you to have to scroll from the top every time you leave the page. Instead of fixing it, the devs release an event. The list goes on.. Devs dont want to fix the game. They just want to keep offering events that earn funds. And once the funds stop rolling in, thats it. They dont need this game but people insist on continuing to spend spend spend. Thats all there is to it.
The simple truth is that if we want lest spenditures of money, we need ads. 15 second ads or something. Every game's devs face the same issue, and on this game you can actually progress a lot more even if you don't pay than in other games. I have not spent a cent on this game at all. Look at my size. If I hadn't taken a 5+ month break from KaW that I just came back from, I would be way past HLBC by now. Making money is easier than ever, and you can actually do very well in this game even if you don't pay for anything. And if you're trying to get onto the LB, I have no idea what you're trying to do. I don't think its possible to get onto there right now, and I recommend that you enjoy the game in your CS's bracket, like me.
Ads will do nothing if new players coming in have no idea how to do anything because ATA insists on keeping the outdated 2009 tutorial. All it does is shows you how to cash in nobs for gold and you get a PM from kaw saying "join a clan."
Lol. Other than a few 'nuances' to war and builds, and being more 'engaging' and 'entertaining' and more complicated than checkers, and less complicated than chess, what exactly would the tutorial expand on, that isn't readily available in forums, online, or learned in helpful clan? And when war matchups align fairly, pay to play and free to them players have the same game play. And same access to epic battle and war equipment. However, so far, the 'hunts and event' top tier rewards are skewed in favor of pay to play. And why shouldn't they be? They subsidize the game play. That being typed, a hte, rotwb free event hunt with 'scaled' drops for all tiers...would be 'nice'.
On the new players topic, the tutorial really, really need an upgrade. Not just a simple upgrade, a big one. But I notice and remember something.... It may not be true (or not) but... I think the tutorial is more focused on giving players a space to explore. Me, I learn without being teached by a newbie helper. I explore each button, walls, forums, clans, settings, alchemist, chats, profile, equipment, achievment, stats, and even on how the epic battle works. I read the messages under the bar, and think of an item that can bribe. I remember exploring the market's items before, and I remembered the bribery gem. I used it and when I can no longer attack I tried assassinating it. I also tried attacking the other bar, and I discover that sepharis the great can be attacked. I read the message in the blue one. Then I thought of scouting it, and it worked. But then, I can't think of a way to defeat ce-... (the angelic one) and when I can't think of a way, I notice the messages above the bars and I notice that they steal to reduce that bar. See? In any unfamiliar games or gadjets, my curiosity is pretty useful. But most players aren't very adventurous and curious as I am, which are actually the majority of kaw. I think the devs wants us to move by ourselves, and not always depending on them.... which (I just noticed) also makes sense in paying. If you can't stop paying then it's your fault, not theirs. If you are greedy, it's your fault as well. And this leads to the conclusion that....... The majority of players is either greedy, lazy or impatient :/ .... Sorry for the waste of time.....
Tldr version- Im sad that game developers want to make money and reward people for spending it. I hate developers they shouldnt be allowed to have families, improve the game or have enough money to live.
No support Play the game your way, follow the advice people give you, and grow. Nothing more nothing less