You're Missing Out

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Cow, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Hey everyone, cow here, I just wanted to talk to some of you who don't talk in clan chat. For those who do and are reading this, read it, don't, I don't really care.

    Anyway, the reason for this thread is because most people, at least in my clan, don't talk in cc. Why? I have no clue. All I know is they're missing out on a big part of the game and if you don't talk in cc, you are too. Clan chat is the best way to make new friends and just talk in general to people. It's loads of fun and entertainment.

    Kaw is a social app first, then a game. Some of you may have this flipped and are completely missing the point of kaw. It's to meet people and have fun with others. ATA made it that way for a reason.

    I've had best friends on this game that I've met through clan chat and it's been a big part of me and what I do on here. A lot of friends I've made have left and I've kind of had to restart my journey to find friends on kaw which personally is much more fun than tapping buttons over and over.

    All I want to say is please try clan chat and I promise it'll be fun. You'll enjoy it. You'll clan mates will enjoy it. Everyone will be happy.

    TLDR; Talk in cc because you can make friends

    Thanks and happy kawing!
  2. I've always talked in clan chat and I see exactly what you're saying. Support
  3. Bessie has a point.
  4. What if u don't need Kaw friends? U just pop on here make a few racist comments in cc post pictures of your nipples on Line then call it a day?
  5. Nipples?
  6. A talkative cc does a lot for a clan.
  7. Everybody knows KaW players don't have nipples.
  8. support
  9. God gifted me in other places.

    I realize this is a very open ended choice of response. Lol.
  10. I completely agree! KaW without clan chat and communication is no fun. It's great to be able to meet new people and make friends.

  11. The Prime Rib is right. An active CC is essential to a clan's success.
  12. unless I've just been joining bad clans, most people don't talk in cc. Is that just me or is that everywhere?
  13. All this, to make lurkers come out in cc?
  14. Clan I'm in now has a very talkative cc as well as active with Ebs and recruitment = clan worth staying in. It's still a personal choice whether or not you choose to participate but I agree with what you're saying Cow.
  15. For the little bit I was in A8, they seemed pretty talkative, and most mid-large sized clans I've been in are fairly chatty too.
  16. I remember back when I didn't "ugh" whenever you posted something. You use to be pretty cool. Now you're so negative. Chill out.
  17. Don't have a cow. Eh? Ehhhhhh? Okay.... I'll go...
  18. She didn't sound negative. Not positive, but, in fairness, not "ugh" worthy.
  19. A bit of a "meh" you might say?