Season 5 Details (Coming August 10th)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. My only issue with that. Is true vets.
    Hiding behind towers. How does that make someone a vet anymore than someone that used to stay pinned all the time?

    All anyone has to do is press a few buttons.
    It's not that difficult to war in ee or any war type on this game. Why should some players be favoured over others?
    Keep it as is stated at the moment and everyone is equal entering the event.
    Mess that up and you just destroy the incentive for different builds entering and exclude them again the same as war clans have done for the last 3 seasons.
    No such thing as a warrior on a tap tap game.
    This is just fun and should be treated as such and fairly for all by the devs.
    No one should be favoured over another regardless of build or duration of play. What do people want? A medal for tapping a button on their phone? Really?
  2. U simplify war like its a no brainer.
    Looking at your profile i see why.

    Yes its a tap tap game but u make it sound like a bot can war n do well then.

    U oughta give ppl a lil more credit is all

    GL in S5
  3. You should check my other profiles before saying I should give others no credit.
    There really isn't anything overwhelmingly complex to warring. Anyone can do it.
    Time money a little effort. And preferably learning what to do first. Easy enough with the amount of warriors about. And just an understanding of how to use your build to its best affect in pvp.
    The only two people in ee that have a difficult time is the war commander. Mainly dealing with silly comments. And the one player type I do admit takes skill and extra effort. Being the tracker.
    Anyone else just has to do as they are told with a little intelligence thrown in to know when to sko.
  4. Yes agree pretty much but HIDING behind towers is using defence at the cost of eb plunder n less need to turtle in Ee Wars.

    Getting fails is a strat to burn up Ops Troops n Spies. Tanking n Assassinating r the bigger keys in wars. WC's make strats accordingly to where plunder is or not n devise targets n orders from there for the overall strat to win. Differing builds as we all know have differing roles.
  5. Well bots in war generally win. One issue not talked about often due to TOU wars is botting in EE. So you need a new analogy.
  6. A poor analogy that automatons r not gonna war well is all. EE War can change on the fly n a WC makes adjustments accordingly.
  7. Nighthawk, I have plenty saved for the upgrade. ;)
  8. Grats n GL then in S5Enjoy bro
  9. Optimal chaos have no clue I would ignore of whatever he has to say ! Really
  10. Lmao bm my silly little friends from last rights still butt hurt and needing to troll anything I say.

    Hardly the thread for it. Start your own if you want to trash talk me.
    So if you have nothing constructive to add. Don't speak.

    Bots in war are an issue purely based on their speed.
    But devices used and Internet speeds will also exclude many players. Another thing many pro clans did/do.
    It's amazing how expensive a tap tap game gets if you want to war. Right device and connection package. Or the best Internet cafe. But that's all player choices and again where ee indi helps give those without a fair shot at getting in on wars.

    Hiding behind towers though a tactic.
    Hmmmm more a costly build choice. Skim and absorb hits still takes no skill.
    It's first to crack loses. And many clan wars are decided at match up.
    Personally I look forward to seeing the results of this season and hope its a lot more open and inclusive than prior seasons.
  11. Thank god. I couldnt get into any wars but indi wars becuz most clans were so exclusive to certain players. And the clans that did let more people in, lasted shortly and kept getting beat. So im very excited for this. So its not about who can get the most stacked team.
  12. I just wish we could cast in our clan rather than leave clan and Devs give higher chance of teaming up with your clan mates on the Indy roster... Maybe limit it to the top 10 casted or something to prevent it from being entirely "clan wars"...

    Sure I don't mind attacking my clanmates when we match against eachother, but Indy is much more fun when you have a few close friends on your team
  13. Double post sorry
  14. You make it sound liek this is the players fault and not the devs fault....

    Devs created the dumbass system so players built for it

    A war based on plunder alone has always been a dumb idea imo

    Actions should be scored as points along with plunder

    The fact devs have never deviated from their original idea tells you they eitber have never cared or arent orginal enough to come up with something

    Either way clan wars are dead thank you devs and here we are
  15. Please set schedule in season so wars occur every 3 hours. If we are going to be penalized with loss of 1 medallion offset the medallion loss with increased war frequency.
  16. Actually, I think with some work, this idea can birth a really solid idea!
  17. +1
    if it could be coded, I kinda like where you're going with that
  18. Definitely need more time slots. As it is now I'll probably be able to do one a day most days. Please give some early morning eastern time slots. Like 7 am before the 10 am slot.
  19. Every 2.5 hrs would be a bit better

    War: 1Hr + 1 Hr prep time

    In-between wars 30mins break
  20. I actually agree about actions and the amount should score points.
    I argued that for months after my very first war.
    But it won't happen.

    But yes I largely blame the players for the exclusions and the exploit stacks.
    I understand the desire to win.
    But the reality is season 1 first half was the only time ee was ever fun. After that the stacks and exploits came in. The connection speed snobbery came in. Players who had been in clans for years were chucked aside for better war builds. And the game lost much if its social appeal as it became about how selfish you need to be to get the max reward and many not caring who they set up hurt or excluded to get there.
    The devs have to take blame for not fixing the loopholes of exploit builds. And easy fixes were suggested and never even so much as trialled.
    And the players have to take account of the stacks and build requirements along with broadband speed and other factors turning friend against friend, tossing many to the curb and generally making ee a very elitist part if kaw as opposed to a war system for the masses.

    All you have to do is look at this thread to see the build snobbery.
    This is a game for people of all walks of life. Not all can max xtal to keep up with build requirements for new build rules each season. Not all want to be dictated to. And the variety of builds that made pvp fun has almost disappeared with the Achem " true warriors " just being those big enough to have towers that the vast majority of players cannot attack through.
    That's not skilful fighting. Building maybe. But it's definitely hiding behind towers facing no risk.
    So to conclude. Yes devs have much to answer for. But so to do so many players that wanted a free ride for so long at the expense of others.