74 * 24 = 1776 17 of these new currencies a day. That's if you unload 24 times a day. I don't know if that'll be too much or not. [/ quote] Think this way, buy 500 pots with max enchanters 100. X 26 attact/apy attack pots=2600 enchanters or 1, 000 each 5200 enchanters daily. I am not even counting defesive pots, pb, mithril etc
Any more drops from EB's is beyond overkill IMO. EB's a r far n away the dominant facet in KaW as is in other facets r in more need of attention. Clan War formats r tops on the list that r in need of a drastic overhaul. Less waiting between seasons or Tourneys would be nice as well. IWar is good but a lil tweaking can be done. Not a whole lot but still this n that. ASW was fun but adding another Level for the next 10k would be worth looking into. Call it maybe..............The Acolytes War Increase ASW rewards n offer somethin not too much less for TAW. Eg Mithril n Chests. Keep it as an annual event. PvP/OSW peepz also can claim more attention is needed eg more PvP EQ or bonuses. How that can be implemented idk but others may have ideas. Maybe twice yearly a larger event can be done with Clans opting in or not. This can compliment the other Wars. The clans in OSW atm can see real benefits other than pot burning n HtE n any other real costs of warring currently.
Ok. Lets say this is for osw and pvp only. You earn enchanters to buy mithril to get equipment. Both ee and pve/ebs give equipment but osw and pvp don't. Why don't they? And being able to buy a plunder bonus would give them another thing you get from eb and ee ie blood rains and estoc edge level 1-5
It's called mithril, and they should be rewarded only during wars or pvp events. Eb fairies don't deserve them. Change your build, build some towers and war! It's what everyone has been doing and it's perfectly fine the way it is now. Besides, this idea will only increase the gap between leaderboard and normal players. We are working hard to close that gap. No support.
And just how would it increase the gap? A playable game for noobs is more important than that gap to kaw survival
When i 1st started this game I was all pvp battle list until clans forced me to join or they would start farming me. I got to the point where my entire battle list had a clan, so i joined a clan, and now I am a eb fairy.
Yeah but my enchanters would give verong3 a way to get bfe and more powerful pots to fight off these clans