a new rewards system

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by verong4, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. Hey folks,

    I have an idea called enchanters. These enchanters would drop from ebs, ee, osw, and pvp. They would drop 1 per 100 successful actions.
    What can you do with them?
    1. Buy minthril. It would take 25 enchanters to buy a minthril no limit
    2. You could use them to enchant items/pots which would add 25% per 10 enchanters up to 100 enchanters for 250% bonus to combat power of item/pot. You can buy min 50 to max of 500 per inividual items/pots example would be amulat of trueth at 175, 000, 000 attack at max enchanters plus 500 x 25, 000, 000 gold to buy them =12, 500, 000, 000
    3. Purchasing clan plunder bonus
    4. Purchase individual plunder bonus
  2. Is minthril a new thing that devs haven't told us about?

    Btw osw is PvP
  3. No. It just gives a different in game method to purchase them. If you figure 1 in 100 drop rate a noob playing warbeast at 50 successful actions an hour could minth up in a week or buy a plunder bonus that can last upto a month with enough enchanters
  4. Are you misspelling mithril or do you literally mean minthril?
  5. misspelled
  6. This is just a bad idea :lol: 1 per every 100 successful actions? I can do like 10 unloads per day. That's about 60 actions per hour. That's 600 actions a day without xstals :lol: people would bank in this stuff. No support.
  7. To add to this, if one were to scout the entire time that's 74 actions an hour.
  8. 74 * 24 = 1776
    17 of these new currencies a day. That's if you unload 24 times a day. I don't know if that'll be too much or not.
  9. Well, most people aren't gonna use XSTALS to scout someone unless these things are really worth it
  10. A 100% pb for a month would cost over 1000 enchanters.
    As for getting alot of enchanters think of the upgraded pots. Think no need for a new pots to be added like last then withdraw instead you would use enchanters to increase existing pots attack or defense
  11. Ah but think a new player earns 100 enchanters and buys 500 inivisibility potions or 5, 000, 000 they would upgrade from 30, 000 attack to 105, 000 attack
  12. support, if they only drop from pvp to support hitting others.
  13. Ily moody lol.
  14. Thank you kind stranger ;)
  15. Ok, an ok idea. But a more random kind of drop rate would be so much better. Ebs will drop them randomly and sometimes youll get one if you do 7000 actions or maybe 30 from 10 actions. PvP should drop them from attacks and steals because scout actions can be exploited easily to get enchanters. Also you should be able to buy enchanters with real currency, and make plunder bonuses and mithril even more expensive than 25 enchanters. What do you think about that? And maybe people just starting start out with x amount of enchanters.
  16. And the only way you can get enchanters directly is thru pvp. That way people dont exploit ebs and just hit them for the enchanters and fail the ebs.im not sure how it could be exploited but ppl will find a way. So you must accomplish the eb and actually try.
  17. support that.
  18. :lol:
  19. Yes think of the pvp blitz, but instead of preset rewards you could cash in enchanters to get the rewards you prefer say a 1 month pb or a rare equipment or enchanted pots, or sods, xstals, horns, crux chests etc. That is a promo to start the use of enchanters