pvp blitz #2

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IlSavageIlBrowniemanIl, Aug 3, 2015.

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  1. Well, i go to check my pvp progress and we should have 10hrs left, but i was given my rewards. Im at 19 rings, giving these rewards out early kinda screwed me and many others im sure. What happened?

    Update: You will still recieve rewards for hitting opted in players, even after the reward screw up
  2. Devs were obviously too busy sucking on potatoes.
  3. Received it too.
    Don't know why I can't receive the rewards for the actual event though in that case
  4. Keep hitting away, you know they(devs) will take away those early rewards. Bank on it.
  5. Because the actual event is a day longer than the pvp blitz. It doesnt end for another day.
  7. I got my rewards for pvp blitz 10 hrs early ??? Just so you know I'm still able to collect , and will get 30 like I planned please change my achievement
  8. How bout you calm down. Devs screwed up. We know. Stop complaining. They will undoubtably change it.
  9. Umm why did 500 of my elixer just disapear
  10. Change my pvp award please i wanted 20 keyrings not 10
  11. Lol who cares? This game is dying fast anyways
  12. your rewards will fix themselves when they event ends, this dont matter for me cause im already at my goal
  13. Well I didn't bother reading what the rest of you said. But you can't get less rewards than you've already gotten. They'll probly add on the supplementary rewards if you got to a new tier at the end of the pvp blitz
  14. Kaw made a wc announcement. You will get the proper rewards
  15. It's fixed - was a temporary glitch.

    Continue playing as you have been and you will receive your true reward, when the event is completed.
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