⊙apoc and zaft war outcome⊙

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by iZombieJT, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. During the past old days there were 2 huge clans in dispute but now they are silenced their long war turned to ashes and their kaw game left(quited kaw) so for short their war is useless why did it happened by the way it just destroyed kaw and humiliated some players so i ask what happened that their like barbarians ravaging eager to kill each other with no reason at all! Innocents got banged and players insulted for no reason at all.
  2. Pls reply to inform those who are wondering for why i. Happend btw some those who quitted cause of that osw are can ne found at farmville the game XD
  3. Is redstar a target due to running away from the war ? Or will red change name to yellow streak down my back ? Or maybe war runner? While all those who stayed for the brutal destruction of zaft and strip red has been busy with hte and upgrades! Right on you war running coward
  4. Just because they aren't on forums beating their chest doesnt mean they still are not hitting each other
  5. Was this written with the aid of Google translator?
  6. It's been a long time since I've had to translate noob talk and frankly I'm way too tired to even begin to try, someone translate for mi pls :D
  7. Fun question,are you by any chance related to saltyfeet?^_^
  8. That made me genuinely laugh so thank you for that.
  9. WoW " aint you all the man " trying to insult the ops writing when he asks some very valid questions. id like to see you 3 who are insulting him try write forum thread of your own and captivate everyones attention the same way and try to make it a good read.i very much doubt you can. if you cant understand the points the op is putting across then its you who are the dumb ones. Respect to the op for not hesitating to narate a history line with questions and doubts that others think but are too afraid to say.
  10. ill write my thoughts a bit later on after the event finishes !
  11. My money is on the Roni translator
  12. All of zaft and apoc should stop being noobs and join forces to take down Red and Cella... Would be awesome.
  13. Threads of the new York city on Wed Mar to see you have a few weeks ago but it was a lot
  14. I guess in the age of iPhones we no longer need to partisapate in grammar and sentance structure. 
  15. "Aint you all the man" what does that even mean? The OP may have valid points, but his content is uncomprehendable. I'm not the kind of person to just make fun of an easy target, but, when I genuinely don't understand something, I'm going to say it.
  16. well clumzy most of the things you say are totally lame and pathetic.and he is very easy to understand .its just you and the other grammer nazi trolls who like to try find fault in what others say because your petty and think your being funny. why dont you think outside the box for once and do your own interpritation of the Zaft & Apoc history and friction over the years ammounting to the osws . or does this topic draw a blank with you. ?
  17. Please tell me I'm not one of the very few in support of this...Would be awesome...
  18. I dont have a problem with bad grammar or spelling, but illiteracy is unbearable. I literally can't understand the OP even when trying. I can understand you fine despite your horrific grammar but you haven't seen me correcting it now have you?
    I don't want to post a thread on the history of zaft and apoc for a few reasons-

    1) I don't feel that content is in anyway new or original, if people want to know the history they can just search for The_Philospher's threads.
    2) It could easily be perceived as biased considering I am indeed an apoc member.
  19. Of course Roni pops in to derail the thread into an argument, so that the blatant writing on the wall facts arent ever expressed in here. 