I sure don't understand why everyone else is complaining. We're getting free stuff! For simply playing the game!
Yea I know right! The devs are being generous by giving us wayyyy more than I need to grow to the next land and greedy people still are complaining about not getting enough. Oh no 100 bil isn't enough for my 1 mil cs alt oh no cry cry.
Well this quoting stuff is messing with my phone so hopefully this posts alright. Well for your example, a millionaire might pay less because he has bargaining power whereas you do not. Though as another said, your metaphor isn't quite right. A better metaphor would be renting an office. Assuming you pay an equal amount of rent (your xtal), you are saying that you should get the same for back (elixir - which I believe is generally tied to plunder which of course is tied to size). Thus, you are saying that two shops next to each other should get equal profit even if one has been around exponentially longer than the other, which is of course complete and utter bollocks.
I support you! Now the next issue you should tackle is disparity in interest rate. Why should the largest banking institution borrow money from the Fed for. 25% and I have to pay 20% interest on my credit card bills.
The funny thing is that people complain about "oh no only 30 elixir/unload" when not everyone can do hte. I'm chilling here with 4177.
You don't even have 5 mil cs and you're gonna get about 500 bil. Are you mad? No. Am I mad that he's gonna get twice as much as me even though I'm bigger? No because I'm still getting a ton just like everyone else. These events are optional. Devs are giving everyone FREE money. And tons of it! Don't complain. Be happy the devs are helping everyone out.
Yeah, those crazy bc builds taking over the event lb... So we - smalls can't be top 10 You know what? I'm happy with my 5k elixir and I don't have to be top 10 or 100 to enjoy the event. So shut your trap and earn what you deserve - you want more? Go build complete - KaW never was a charity Those crazy Lbs and BCs taking all the fun... I should grow... Only 5k elixir... Damn You all you big builds I will catch up with you all!
So, all the ppl who have been playing 4-5 yrs should have peeps like you close to them in stats? You are a moron thinking that. I think you are one of those types that had older siblings, and cried to mommy cause they got to do things you couldn't cause of your age. Grow up little peep. On a further note. Most of 4-5 yr players didn't have LL or even HL buildings halved. Nor were there eb's like you have. Learn the game better, and truly understand most LB got there by putting in time, not $. It is true however, that now to stay in LB, they must pay $. Don't confuse the two.
It's not bs. I did my whole 5k in a few days doing one xtal per hte and sealing maybe three times. One xtal at start then skimming got me around 55 drops each time. People are dumb max xtalling a few ebs then being locked when slow and steady was clearly a better strategy than going balls out on a handful of ebs. But, yep, people don't listen.
Ok so many say that bigger builds should get more rewards for an event than smaller players accounts. Does that mean if a supermarket has a sale and a customer walks in and buys product x for 6 dollars they should get a full tin of product x But a new first time customer who spends exactly the same amount should only get half a tin of product x as they have only shopped there once? The big build argument is just snobbery. Spend the same amount of time and money on an individual event and you should receive the same chance at rewards as any and every other player. Builds and BFA take years to acquire at top levels. Unless paid for. If people pay to compete they should know they are paying for equal chance at top prizes. Or why should they waste their money knowing they have no chance even if they spent the exact same amount as redstar during the even. Lb already have a huge advantage. They don't need them in events too
chaos there are indeed companies who do that, gas, electricity, insurances. If you stay at one company longer they give you a price reduction.
I'm at 2.5k and its satisfying. I dropped 5 or so seals and about $40 in xtals. I am happy about that lol. Please stop taking this seriously. You play to have fun, you pay to have more fun. That's how I think of it
First off that was a bad analogy. It's like if a big Walmart is in a city and the only super market in the area and has been there for years and everyone loves it. Then all of a sudden a new supermarket that's not very super, more just like a market but they call it a super market. It's pretty small but has equal customer service and quality. Should that tiny little market store get as just as much money from customers? No, because they're smaller and not as good. Just like in kaw, the small new players shouldn't get lb rewards. If you really think new players should get top rewards, you must've never played another online game. EVERY GAME is like that. Either only look for brand new games or suck it up and shut up.
Im not buying the supermarket analogy. The cost of a crystal is the same regardless of the size of your account and does the exact same thing for both parties. Your analogy sounds more like you are saying that if we both bought filet Mignon from the same place at the same price and quality, that we should be able to both win a cook off. Except one person is using a hot plate while the other is using an oven that can cook at 1,600 degrees.
So cow I should shut up because a different store opened up. Your example makes no sense. We all shop at the kaw marketplace in case you hadn't noticed. And if your only response in a public forum is to tell those that you disagree with to shut up. Then I suggest you follow your own advice. Different games charge different prices. And for example coc charges every player the same amount for the same product. Kaw sells different amount of products ( gold and rewards for essentially different amounts) So sorry you cannot understand fair trading practices. And that independent traders have the right to compete on prices. That said. The consumer has the right to decide where they shop. And my observation is that kaws pricing and exclusion is damaging to its long term profits and stability by discouraging future and current purchases in favour of satisfying a minority. A minority that already reap the huge rewards in gold per purchase. They do not need exclusive equipment as well.