The Mage

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Titan_God, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Any questions just wall me but give time it could be busy 
  2. Nice thx titan
  3. Welcome Van 
  4. Yeh when I enchant I spin around 3 times shouting beetlejuice beetlejuice and then click enchant works 9/10.
  5. This doesn't work lol
  6. 
  7. Hmmmm I thought he quit but I'm almost considering to try it he was once a mod.
  8. Very interesting.
  9. Great guide, Titan! I have a question:

    What kind of equipment did you test this on? If you have not, would you mind trying this on the Storm Bow? As far as I know, that piece of equipment has a reputation for being extremely difficult to enchant.
  10. Beetlejuice technique.
  11. Mike it's worked for me last year and a half just find your own sweet spot as in time it's open for you
  12. No one has to use this method  trolls included. It's worked for me flawlessly being now I stock pile inferno and Aqua due to it.
  13. How do you when the open spot is or how do we find it
  14. I've done this method with all my equipment just not mithril equip cause heck don't need it for that.
  15. If anyone here can take my Allie pls do ain't got speakers for WC and I need gold for indi
  16. Wow. I never knew this.
  17. Titan.... you are a god! Thanks my friend.
  18. Your mage is way hotter than mine.

  19. Quick show of my equip using this method and my stock of resources from doing this.

    Yes event equip I'm not to enthused about but I'll enchant to help show this system works.