KaW for Windows

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Acheron, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. So... Here is my question. With possibly the largest software upgrade in history in progress, will KaW developers join with the majority of other developers in producing a Windows compatible KaW app?
  2. I doubt it.

    Edit: Windows os is growing moderately, and as it continues to get new users I'm sure ATA will develop a windows application.
  3. I hope so. Recently had to get a windows phone, so now I can only play when I have WiFi, limiting my number of hits and stunting my growth.
  4. I can play it on windows 8
  5. Hey
    Just go into settings on phone then more networks then activate wifi hot spot. Then setup your pc wifi through your cell phone or your laptop
  6. Windows phones run single core and usually only 1.4g processors, motto is simple is better. Kaw too tough on wos 
  7. So
    This one is a 800mhz samsung galaxy(1) aviator
  8. you must remember these things hog ram that why you need a micro sd card to act like a hard drive then use magnaram tech to load app into ram to speed it up. But you need 4x ram to ghz or a 1ghz.processor needs a minimum of 4 g of ram
  9. There should be a browser/app that allows you to just play the computer version of KaW.
  10. You just sticky it then sign in