Just a suggestions... 1 seal is 59 nobs so I had the idea of buying seals in bulk for a discounted nob price. 5 seals- 450 nobs 10 seals- 750 nobs 20 seals- 1250 nobs 50 seals- 2000 nobs Please support! Let's make seals a little cheaper, and Devs its a win win, you will have more people buy and we get a little cheaper seal's Thank you for reading. MAPS
Onusly, we need to ask devs to increase the price of seals. Make em 70nobs each. Maybe then with the extra cash the will actually allocate some resources into s5 rather than recycling old, junky war systems. Or just make anew eb that cost ten dollars to run. That would be great.
You idiot. 5 * 59 = 295 NOT >450 10 * 59 = 590 NOT >750 20 * 59 = 1180 NOT >1250 50 * 59 = 2950 IS >2000 Only the last offer is an ACTUAL discount!!! Go back to school and learn some maths... Lock this thread and throw away the key... Move to "best of" - the museum of KaW threads - so people can see his errors... Hand out free leftover puddings and drown him in their tasty, past-their-use-by-date goodness... LET THE PEOPLE SEE AND PUNISH FOR HIS CRIMES...
Yup HTE has ruined the game now. There is no clan loyalty anymore as soon as event starts everyone piles into a HTE clan as that's the only way to get the stuff needed. Devs need a rethink but I think it has gone to far to go back on now. The devs have SEALED there fate. Excuse the pun.