Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for not cleaning the blood off
  2. Banned for not being kermit
  3. oh hey its u again... guess what time it is?? Ban time..
  4. Banned for being annoying 
  5. Banned you for having too long of a name
  6. [​IMG]

    And 5 players in this page is now banned for 24 hours for banning with 1-liner sentences again!

    TheLost420 BANNED 6x! :D
  7. I stared at that gif for five minutes straight.
  8. banned 4 not banning them
  9. Banned for the 7th time.

    7 is an lucky number AND an unlucky number
  10. I came, I saw, I banned.
  11. banned for one liner.
  12. banned for banning a oneliner there is nothing wrong there
  13. lol not banned 4 the 7th time... it was 6 times by sean himself.. go back several pages ull see Ive posted alot... So banned 4 misbanning me :lol:

    Banned 4 having many post
  14. Banned for using 4 instead of for
  15. Banned 4 being a cow
  16. Banned for being judgemental of cows
  17. Banned for being a cow!
  18. Banned fer not bein salty
  19. Banned for being a salty fetish