There was nothing hypocritical about my statement. My spelling is legible and at least average for an English speaking person.
Holy **** op is my new favorite person in this game Edit* what did they do to the filter? I miss my ****s
His challenger is himself. After realizing that he absoulty cannot impress us in game nor in life, he resorted to plan Z: Make a thread saying he's whipping a big bad boy's bum. Of course, this is SALTY we're talking about so it backfired on him. In the end children, the lesson is: Never be like that creepy uncle everybody despises, much less - dont be SALTY. This message was brought to you by International Idiot Prevention or IIP Edit: SALTY is the creepy uncle everybody despises
He supposedly dominates wars with his tai chi strategy and what not. Includin but not limited to nerbes of estil
Let me get some pop corn and my Beer.. This one coming well cooked... Hell ill even have some cookies with water ... xD