Aces N Eights

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by lIlIlIDo-YoU_eVeN-lIfTlIlIl, Jul 23, 2013.

  2. What, statless alt?
  3. A8 would like to offer players, over 1M, a clan doing the event rotation.

    We are running haunts, ambush, evan and Dest to maximize the items.

    If there is extra time, we will take color requests.

    We also support the PVP portion, if you just want to hang out and hit your targets without our pesky ebs, that's fine.

    We also wish you acknowledge the freshly formed alliances with AA, and the alliance with the soon-returning Foxes.

    If you wish to talk to us about starting an alliance, please contact -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-.
  4. Support! Aces N Eights is awesome
  5. What theeeeee
  7. And lovely said:

    Let the blue text end!
  8. :( i liked the blue
  9. is this close enough
  10. Support though, nice home :)
  11. Open doors for HTE for next 3 hours. Come on then. FFA. Gold. Items. Etc.
  12. Very proud of A8 for their participation in making this clan feel like home, to not only me and them, but to guests that arrive as well.
  13. Join us we are the subclan of ACES N EIGHTS and we are very active looking for perms
  14. 15k posts o:
  15. Support, great clan. Feel at home here.