Addressing the Ally LB BFA issue in Indi Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Season 5 seems to be fast approaching us, but before it comes there is one problem I wish the devs would address: Top 10 LB BFA in Indie wars. While this is not a problem for the players fighting in lower stat brackets, it is a big problem for those of us that have to fight in the highest tier, or on weekend 100-man indies.

    The problem occurs when only one top-10 player casts for war. The gap between him and the next player is so exponentally huge, the system has trouble dealing with it. You see the difference between say LB 3 and LB 33 is not like the difference between LB 1003 and 1033. The latter might just be a difference of one mil cs, while in the former the LB 3 player is probably 4 to 5 times bigger than LB 33. LB 33 could add 20T in allies and still be nowhere near the size of LB3.

    The devs try to compensate for this by putting the next biggest builds all on the opposing team. So, for example, while Team A gets ally LB 6, Team B gets LB 31, 38,52,77, 80, while the next biggest build on Team A is like LB 326. There also seems to be a trend to overload the Top 10 player's team with ps and ps1; if four ps cast, for example, the LB team will get 3 of them and the opposing will get only one.

    This is how the devs try to “balance” it, but it is a dysmal failure with the non-top ten team blowing away the other side. Why? Because in spite of the his huge bfa, the top ten player is still constrained by the same rules we are. He still only gets only 26 attacks and he still loses troops when attacked. As long as team B focuses on the other smaller players they can ignore the Top-Tenner and feast on all the smaller builds in the clan. The Top-tenner, being limited in how many times he can attack, cannot possibly make up the plunder for the smaller builds in his clan.

    My Solution

    1. Instead of capping or eliminating BFA like they do in primals, why not give these whales one more xstal per war? One more unload might express the true power of the build compared to the other side. Let's say any build that has a bfa above 7B cs has earned a right to one more xstal. An extra unload would make him a much harder target to control, which is how it should be.

    2. Have it so builds with whale bfa only lose troops every fifth attack or so. If a whale's bfa is like four times my whole build, aren't I kidding myself in believing I can even do any damage to it at all? It shouldn't be so easy to zero these whales.

    This is my idea to fix these top-tier Indie problems. At the very least they are worth a trial run in the pre-season.

    All the best
    :mrgreen: o_O_____Frog____o_0 :mrgreen:
    :mrgreen: Kaw's only 3-time Undefeated ASW Champ :mrgreen:
    :mrgreen: And also one of its biggest asses. :mrgreen:


    Adding this to explain further how the extra xstal helps.

    It is a fix because piling the next 5,6 strong builds on the other side, might address the bfa issue, but it doesn't address the problem that the top-ten LB player is still only one player.

    Let's say it is basketball, if the lb 20 player is an NBA all Star, the LB top tenner would be like a Jordan/Godzilla crossbreed in comparison. To try an even it out, you would fill out the lb 20 player with other NBA All Stars while Jordan/Godzilla would be surrounded by pre-schoolers. Still, if this was a basketball game, Jordan/Godzilla would still win cause he could crush them under his foot.

    But the mechanics of Kaw is different. In Kaw, it is not a basketball game, but a free-throw contest, where each player, including Jordan/Godzilla only gets two shots. Who wins then? Obviously the NBA Allstars win by a landslide because even if Jordan/Godzilla makes his two, the preschoolers surrounding him cannot possibly compete with the other side's NBA Allstars. The only way Jordan/Godzilla's team has a chance is if he gets more than two shots.
  2. You've broken forums
  3. I agree this issue needs fixing but I don't think granting the lb player extra abilities is the way forward. The dev team should focus on a way to balance the top of the roster and then split the teams fairly below the top 3 for example.

    Lets say that 6 fairly strong players cast. #10 #23 #67 #145 #468 and #521. As you say the difference in size between all these will be pretty big. Well perhaps use the old rule of selecting teams in sport. Team A gets first pic with team B getting the next 2. It will then alternate from here. Team A will get players #10 #145 and #521 with team B getting #23 #67 and #468. All players below in the roster will be continued to be split similarly to this.
  4. Good idea but it doesn't make Devs money do they won't change it.

  5. Wow. What a totally incoherent unhelpful comment. Of course with your stats you'll never find yourself fighting in the top tier. If you have no idea what you are talking about, don't post.
    Not every thread needs to let the Led out.
  6. After 5 years plus of forums this is what its come to. Giving lbs more xtals in wars. Lol. Nothing can top this. My time here is done. Lol
  7. Ive warred one lb bracket, it isnt that bad frog, i got a Ko, i was happy! 
  8. Sorry, Kezzer but you don't address the issue. Picking teams is not the problem. The problem is that the gap between a whale and a LB 30-something player is 3 times greater than the gap between me and a 400/300/150/150 statless alt.

    When RedStar casts he has more power the other 14 players on his team combined. You can't just pick and choose that away. You either cap his bfa, or you throw all the other big builds on the other side. But Redstar is still just one player and regardless his bfa, he can't hit as much as 15 other builds can. UNLESS you acknowledge his power and give him an extra xstal (or two).

    No offense, but if you have never fought in the top tier against the whales, you probably can't comment intelligently on this.
  9. Remove bfa problem solved.
  10. I have never fought in the lb tier myself seeing as I am only roughly rank 8000 overall however I have fought in the weekend indi wars and I have seen the issue. As you said frog having a huge amount of strength over the next biggest means nothing when the gap is so huge. This is why I suggested keeping things as balanced as possible trying to balance the raw stats as well as the overall usefulness of the players on that team. You even said it yourself the extra power the huge lb brings to the table is near useless if the rest of the team is tiny. This is why I suggested keeping things as balanced as possible lower down and trying to balance the top as much as possible.
  11. Lol Led, I'm sorry but you're talking out of your ass. You have obviously never done a 15-man war with a top ten leaderboarder. I don't make off-the-cuff comments about the field of brain surgery because I'm not a brain surgeon. Likewise someone with mediocre stats at best should at least try to understand the problem before commenting. And obviously you don't understand the problem as addressed.
  12. This wouldnt be primal bfe would still count and would be at max plunder also indi is less organised than a primal war.
  13. @kezzer

    That sounds nice and all but what you are asking is IMPOSSIBLE! You can't balance it. If Redstar casts with his estimated BFA of 15billion, and the next closest caster is lb rank 30 with about 5B bfa, how do you balance it? It can't be done. That is why in s4 the devs tried to get rid of rounds and have just primals.

    Devs have to acknowledge that their system of throwing the next 5-6 biggest builds on the opposite side just leads to blowouts unless they give their whales a chance to xstal and do more actions to compensate.
  14. No support. Only made this thread to mention asw again. One fact, you said it yourself is, you're one of kaws biggest asses.
  15. Fought in big bracket before... I think the big lb should do more damage per Attack (kill maybe 50% more of a normal Attack) just an idea though
  16. Lol ss or it didn't happen, Led. You can claim to be the queen of England if you want to in the forums. Doesn't make it true.

    Basically you're addicted to commenting on every thread, regardless if you understand the topic or not.
  17. You warred in a top-tier 15-man indi? Not with that account you haven't.