Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for being a singing ghost smurf..
  2. Banned for not posting a reason for banning her
  3. Banned for being reborned.
    (we always ban each other, so we both felt bored whenever we see each other banning each other again and again...)
  4. banned 4 saying all that stuff
  5. And, umm, where was I?....Oh! Banned!
  6. ..........................Banned
  7. .... again :lol:
  8. I ban the guy who is going to ban me next. :)
  9. Shame I'm a hermaphrodite then. Banned for trying to create a paradox.
  10. banned 4 being a narwhal
  11. Banned for putting 4 instead of for.
  12. Banned for being a grammar Nazi.
  13. Banned 4 quoting them
  14. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, well... You know :p
  15. Banned for not stating a reason of why you're banning the person on top of you
  16. Banned for not eating my dîck
  17. Banned for bypassing