Nick Cage in: Rock and Roll in Vegas. The story of a burnt roll addicted to pot rising to the top of the Vegas nightlife. But love can sometimes be rough, and he might get... Burned.
no that only happens in sluard promotional videos that advertise the great detention facilities we have. The first movie you will watch is Nic Cage's greatest movie, Left Behind
So I just watched the absolute best worst video ever. I'm sure most of you have heard of the two trolliest songs in the world, "Never gonna give you up" by Rick Astley and "Sandstorm" by Darude. But Have You Heard Of Sandroll, by Darude Astley? I bet you haven't. Now that I've piqued your curiosity, go, watch it. You know you want to.
This is bit random, but in the Acadian part of Louisiana, we have a thing called Boudreaux (pronounced Bood-jroh) and Thibodeaux (pronounced Tibi-doh) jokes. Here's one I know- This one needs some background. In most US states, they are made up of counties, sort of like a state within a state, but they would be called, for example, Example County, Example State. One is Orange County, California. In Louisiana, however, the state doesn't have counties. It has parishes. From what I remember, Louisiana is the only state that does that. One parish is called Washington Parish. Every year, Washington Parish has the Washington Parish Free Fair, towards the end of October, in a town called Franklinton. And the fair is a big deal. It lasts about a week, and the schools in Washington parish close so the kids can go to the fair. It's a big deal. In Washington, they grow a special watermelon, Washington parish watermelons. And they are the undisputed best-tasting watermelons in Louisiana, maybe even the South. Anyway, Boudreaux is driving home from the Fair. He grew up in Franklinton, but he lives in Shreveport. But he filled the back of his pick-up truck with Washington parish melons he would take to Shreveport. That day, they had a petting zoo at the fair. Boudreaux drives by the goat, and he sees that the petting zoo left. So he takes the goat with him. It didn't have a collar or a brand or anything, and he didn't want it to get scared. Now, he gets back to Shreveport and tied the goat around a tree in his backyard. The next day, his brother, Thibodeaux's, lives down the road. And Thibodeaux has a daughter. When Thibodeaux's family come to help Boudreaux put the watermelons away, Thibodeaux's daughter, Marie, sees the goat, and she thinks it's the cutest goat in the world. Boudreaux plans on selling it, but no one buys it, and Thibodeaux doesn't have room for a goat. So Boudreaux asks what to do about the goat. So Thibodeaux says- "Boudreaux, you should take it to the zoo in New Orleans," And Boudreaux says he'll take it over the weekend. And Marie says she'll get to see the goat, who she named Orlie, after New Orleans. The next week, Thibodeaux sees Orlie in the tailgate of Boudreaux's truck. And Thibodeaux says- "Boudreaux, you couillon, why didn't you take it to New Orleans?!" Boudreaux says- "I did, couillon, but we had so much fun together we're going to Mardis Gras next year!"
lol. Southern Jokes. So there's this farmer from Texas, and he's having a conversation with a farmer friend of his from California, and the Texas guy is bragging about his farm. "I can start at one end of my farm, drive all day, and still not make it to the other end." He says. And the California guy says, "Uh huh, I used to have a truck like that too.
Boudreaux and his friend Blanchard go to the LSU game. Unfortunately, the only tickets they could get were on opposite ends of the stadium. But they go to the game and they see the Tigers. During the game though, a guy selling popcorn comes around and asks if anyone wants some popcorn. Boudreaux looks for Blanchard and yells out across one of the loudest stadiums in the world, "Hey Blanchard, you want some popcorn?!" very loudly. Then a girl selling hot dogs (called Tiger dogs, because they're at LSU stadium. Geax Tigers!) comes around and asks if anyone wants a Tiger dog. Boudreaux yells out "Blanchard, you want a Tiger dog?!" across one of the loudest stadiums in the world. After the girl leaves, the guy next to Boudreaux says- "Excuse me sir, but you look like you're looking for a friend of yours? You can use my binoculars if you want," Boudreaux says thank you and a guy selling Cokes comes around. Boudreaux whispers, very softly- "Hey Blanchard, you wanna buy a Coke?"
@hazz I was just trying to say hi and for some reason Kaw kept kicking me each time I tried to post.,,so I gave up,,,probably evil sluard interference.Jokes? Nice
Hello future bacon avocado burger. Didn't get the first southern joke. But second two I got. Cas that video made my head hurtyou will pay for your crimes. Slty I don't see what's wrong with californication season 7. I mean it's better than some of the seasons that got repetitive because this season had a plot twist.
i liked the whole series, it just seemed that the actors weren't committed to their character in the final season that they were going through the motions. Eh idk. If you like that you'll like shameless if you haven't seen that yet.
lol slty I agree. I was talking bout story. There were times I saw that Karen couldn't even keep a straight face when she was supposed to be angry with Hank. Usually shows fall apart cause the story gets horribly bad. Ya know?