Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. suits is good too. I don't really like The Following, not really a fan of Kevin Bacon
  2. i've never met anyone who wasn't a fan of bacon.
  3. Rick and Morty S2 starts this Sunday. Should be great like the first season.
  4. i liked bacon in Taking Chance. Good film. Hit me right in the feels
  5. Banshee, Orange is the new Black, Parks and Recreations - all seasons, and My Little Pony (jdm suggested).

    Also I don't mind the following. It's a bit slow though and bacon is unattractive.
  6. i'm binge watching a show called "breaking bad". never heard of it before, but it is okay.
  7. How I met your mother is a great series and there is plenty to watch.
  8. I felt out-of-place here :p
    Well I don't have enough time to have a chat in forums anyway :)
  9. "White Collar" is an exceptional TV show and available on most subscription streaming sites. Would recommend very very highly
  10. Ata should sell gaw and fc to another dev team to start it up again
  11. Nothing will break you emotionally like playing the Walking Dead Game season 2, and watching the show too.
  12. I liked Daredevil pretty well. Would recommend.
    Also try The Last Ship or Magnum PI. Magnum PI is life.
  13. Yeah...
    I think it's better to sell than to shut down...
    But if they have sold it and other devs have made it better, it's like, giving to someone their original piece and that someone made it better than what you did but the main idea of it actually come from you......
  14. Lets be honest here it's not like games like gaw and fc are massively hard to copy it's just that nobody bothers to try to start up those kind of games any more. The demand for them isn't high any more. The only reason kaw still stands as it does today is due to the current community. So long as the community is there new players will stay. If people want a fast paced war game they will go elsewhere but if they want a great social game they will stay here.
  15. True indeed...
  16. does anyone remember the mighty Meow last ruler of FC? Did they make it to Kaw ?
  18. Can anybody post a link to the Compendium of Sluards?
  19. I can bump for you.
  20. Sure thanks.