Match Making

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by OhSquishy, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. The Issue With Match Making

    The clans "Shark infested Water's" matched against "Death 0n The Battlefield" Most of you think. "No big deal"
    If you check their rosters. D0TB's first 2 accounts are larger in CS than the rest of Shark infested water's roster combined. This very large miss match is fun for neither team and is a waste of two hours and a real slap in the face to those who were setting up rosters. Syl worked her ass off to set up this roster as well as Lohkie. Can you please explain to us how this match is even remotely possible? I thought matchmaking was supposed to be getting a tweak?
  2. Better than no match
  3. Not better than a no-match at all. I'd love to see some explanation regarding matching.
    Matches like this drive ppl away from EE warring.
  4. Devs please give us feedback as to why two clans can be 10-15m CS apart and not match. But two clans can be 400m CS apart and match? It seems this has been occurring quite often and it's causing EE to die out other then indies.
  5. How do you work your butt off filling a roster with 3 tanks and 12 ps or 3 tanks and 12 sh....its pretty simple the people literally come to you to war all you do is say yes or no lol.
  6. If you want to put together an ass roster, go ahead and find 12 random ps and 3 tanks. Or would you rather war from home clan with 12 of your members and 3 tanks trying to fit around a certain CS to match an opposing clan?
  7. The end of EE is near, another sign.
  8. I was on Lohkie's side at Shark Infested Water's. The entire war against DotB was a completely unfair match that cost me and everyone else in that war their precious Estoc's Edge that we worked so hard to earn. I sent an email to support and I expect that both sides are compensated for the matchmaking system's error.
  9. Thank you for the feedback, I don't think Devs will do any compensation, nor will they look into this problem in the future.
  10. Anyone else thinking this is why they proposed to do an ALL Indy S5? Because they don't know how to fix match making? Maybe someone should do it manually instead of system selecting who matches and who doesn't. Some nights there are 8 clans that sign up all within 200m CS of each other and no matches are set.
  11. Ya this one doesn't make any sense
  12. I find bad match making more fun. Chance to test my towers and bfa. You never know the tide can change at any moment. And that i come across many time where we could be out numbered but still beat them
  13. If you are 300-400m + CS small than the oppo, would you still call that fun? It shouldn't be fun for either team and normally it isn't.
  14. Welcome to kaw squishy. Its something kaw won't even think about to the near future. But having half a roster sh is funny XD
  15. Primal wars are dying and things like this just make things worst.Being overpowered like this didn't make it fun.On our side(Shark) we were presented with an impossible way of winning because the opposing side was so over powering yet still we had nothing to do but fight
    Anyway.On the other side,im sure they took time to prepare for a fun war that could provide them with a challenge yet was sadly disappointed.

    Now I took the time to email support about this problem that happen in primal match up.(One other person did the same)I told the devs what happen and provided an ss of everything(42 ss total).What I got back was not the response that I was looking for.The support team merely said they couldnt tell me details but are montioring forums for topics about primal wars/matching for ideas and changes that the community supported.

    In that email,Support stated that this is not the very first inccident that they have had regarding primal my question is:Why are the devs just sitting back and allowing it to happen? Devs have started b2b events that are milking the community they claim to support,yet not listen to a word we say.Little by little kaw is falling and its becoming harder and harder to stop it. I just hope soon the devs will actually do something about it.Dont keep asking for feedback then do little to fix things.

    I belieave that the devs should also restore ee lvls and refund xstals to those who used them.Not only to those who was victim of this primal screw up but anyothers..

    (SRY IF IM OFF TOPIC...AND FORGET ABOUT GAMMAR ISSUES...Dont feel like fixing it)
  16. I was the other person who emailed support. They told me to look at the forums and that they frequently look at them. They told me they have heard similar voices and that was all. I don't feel as if that was a very good response, I mean we just got completely rekt by the system and they tell me to look at the forums and nothing else. It also took them 14 hours for them to get back to me, which is besides the point but it still is annoying.

    I took screenshots of both sides' rosters and sent them in, asking for 1-2 xtals, restored EE for a month, all mith used during the duration back, and 20-50 nobs. Does that seem like good compensation for how bad the system messed up?
  17. Is this a joke? Mismatches do happen. I have been a part of a war where we beat a clan at a -400 mcs disadvantage. It happens and yes it is painful but we took it easy on you guys anyways Cus we understood your position
  18. Because nobody else wars they match u 2, else there wont be a war at all.
  19. No one does clan vs clan system wars anymore wish devs fix mith payouts like indi in maybe more clans would do it. Than u can choose who u want to war in get mith payout equal to indis primals
  20. Support. Match making is wacky as ****