So I got my 5k fountains last event and I spent over $200 on xtals. I was just wondering if anyone hit the 5k without HTE or xtalling in the last event because to get top rewards would be almost impossible without paying.
okay i got 4974 fountains and skipped like 2 days... easily possible. first part i might have gotten 5500 or so. Just be rotating tsg/ss/ts/aff and doing the pvp part. 300 a day is reasonable right, very possible if you do 4h ebs. 9 * 300 is 2700 + 1k every pvp blitz gets you very close
2500 = 180 items per day without pvp (which can easily give more than 180/day).. put time in it and its possible, dont expect the top tiers to be given away
KAW'ING 24hrs a day to hit all the eb's in the rotation n praying you stay awake during the PvP weekends may get you close but emphasis on MAY.
one unload an hour is very much work, i agree. Do the rotation fast enough and you will be fine. Do expect to put effort in it, it is not supposed to easy and free stuffs.
1. Create a clan 2. Do b2b warbeasts with you and your alts 3. Get a seal drop 4. Go into an HTE clan 5. Get 5000 of whatever the collectible is without spending any real money.
I fear that if you try this you will discover that Seal drops have been dramatically curtailed, you could be doing b2b warbeasts for the entire 2 week duration of the event without getting a seal drop. Moreover, drops of Nobs from Quests have also been drastically reduced, to near zero.