Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by _VAMPY_, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Ty for suggestion aj but admins are always sealing but we prefer to keep some for when we don't have sealers also our admins are being worked on takes time to get the best ones :)
  2. No i didnt admit it was my fault wtf? Why would i waste my time coming back for no hte? Well seems like what goes around comes around then.
  3. Nothing wrong with sealing in home clan. Also nothing wrong with sealing at an HTE clan if you don't have a home. 
  4. @Adv you literally just said u decided not too come back you could have and pass wouldent have been wasted omg stupid people :/
  5. VR won't die many have said it would but it hasn't 
  6. It's ok AJ, the streets will always welcome you.
    Wait, were talking about KaW homes? Well you can always help noob clans grow =P
  7. Instead of pass not being wasted my time would have been? Haha think harder pls sweg. You're the one that doesnt get my point. In the end all im sayjng is i had a bad experience with you scammers and would not recommend.
  8. Call us scammers again all pay for their seals therefore we don't scam
  9. Thats why i didnt get 9 days of B2B HTE for MY seal?
  10. Dude get off this thread seriously you just said u decided not to come back stop blaming the wasted days on us
  11. By the time i wanted to come back you were doing rotwb. :) just keep in mind you owe me 7 and a half days of b2b HTE not rotwb
  12. Your not getting anything for disrespecting the clan shoulda walled or pm'd an admin before crying

  13. But you both need to shut up.

    AV, you left and didn't talk to an admin much less the owner to reserve a spot or whatever during an event

    Swag, You should've known this being a council member and made a compromise for AV

    Both if you need to act like grown ups otherwise you both need to shut your mouths before someone else will do it for you.

    Also 1 more thing

  14. Damocles he said nothing to us til now so it's his own fault
  15. If he wouldn't have cried and insulted our clan he could have gotten back in but oh well he sinked that boat
  16. Wasnt getting anything anyways. Just warning people not to join and that you will get yoir day. :D
  17. @AJ if there is a new member then they always get first priority to seal to make sure they are not moochers. Second priority goes to reseals. After that if anyone (including admins) wants to seal/stack their passes. However, all admins cannot empty their seals stash because they are the ones who needs to seal when no one is in the queue to keep the clan running.

    I have a proposal about your issue about posting admin tag to some random user who was not an admin lets say 5 mins ago by putting a list of dedicated admins on the clan page. Moreover, when people choose the 8/9 day pass you can argue that admins/owner are mooching off the seal but you forget to highlight that they can easily make more gold by elongating their stay. Roughly 100b can be made per day AT MINIMUM if the user is actively hitting eb which pays more than items on both closed phases. We try to be reasonable but if we are wrong in any manner then we try to rectify.
  18. Don't call me Damocles nor Damo, only friends can. You can refer to me as Mr.D

    Wait that sounds wrong, refer to me as Damo

    Anyways, you shouldn't argue on this thread, should've jumped in, make a compromise before all this spiraled out of control. So make up and shut up.
  19. Damocles mate why so mad bro?