Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by _VAMPY_, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Start with me 
  2. I don't want any disrespect on this thread it's here for sealers to find a new place and to show not all can fall from V if all your going to do is disrespect the thread I don't want you on it and neither does anyone else
  3. respect for what?
  4. Lemme put it in simpler terms for you get off the thread if u want to just trash talk hte clans/ our clan
  5. I think it's a JOKE that the longest pass you offer is because admins get pots. Pots for doing what ? If I wasn't in the middle of a big OSW I'd be farming your admins 
  6. It's just an option some people prefer a longer pass you would be surprised how many people do that for the pass  also what's stopping you Apple if u have time to threaten us you have time to hit
  7. Do not recommend. I sealed there once and left for br. Nek minit clan full and admin didnt even make space for me. Proof is on my wall. Enjoy seal scammers. Ill get you all back when i can
  8. I do agree with AG. That option is mooching.

    If anything, FFA should give the longest day. Imo.
  9. Maybe because umm during events people spend a lot of money and uhh there's something called a member cap when lots want to seal
  10. It's not mooching when we drop our own seals it's a chance for people to get longer days it's up to the sealer if he/she wants more days
  11. Yeah in the end you all still ripped me off. Just sharing my experience. I support farming this clan 100% since they scammed my seal.
  12. we are on topic
  13. We didn't rip you off you could have walled/pm'd an admin instead u decided to not come back and cry on this thread
  14. Yeah thats why i only got 1 of my 9 days stay you rip. 
  15. Guess what... if you don't come back you don't get hte stop crying and disrespecting you wasted it yourself
  16. I decided not to come back because your clan is unreliable. I mean look at your history you call yourselves an hte clan?
  17. Yeah, of course you drop your own. But, is that only when no seals are on or when you feel you should join the Que?

    Whoms to say all admins are legit admins? Can easily throw admin up on someone and boom items.

    It's an option I feel should be lower on the totem pole.

    I saw last HTE event people lost days to keep the clan running. Ew.

    Alas, not my concern. Just saying. I'd have to have known the owner for awhile or admin for months before I go to an HTE clan.
  18. Here's some posting etiquette:

    Instead of making long quotes, just do this:


  19. Ahaha so u admit it's you fault for wasting the seal don't blame us... and if you didn't know Vendetta had recently tried destroying our clan the history will get back to normal soon enough

  20. What's wrong with dropping seals in your home clan?