Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for being the 83rd welking boy
  2. I un ban all of you
  3. Banned 4 unbanning all of us
  4. Banned yet again
  5. Bump, and I ban the person below me aswell
  6. Banned for preemptively banning me
  7. Ban because I can't see what you're saying on my device.
  8. Supposedly my words can't be seen on any device. I could make a thread with some real hardcore shipping, and nobody would know. But back to the topic at hand, I ban you for being unable to read my amazing text.
  9. Banned for not telling them one of the ways to know what are you saying, quote (and edit it if you will reply for that quote) :)
  10. Ban because you did not specify that all he does is use a colour..
  11. banned 4 having a long name
  12. Banned for being lost, again.
  13. banned 4 being a rubberducky.... again
  14. Hey, It's you again :D, BANNED
  15. [​IMG]

    Banned 4 playing in the tub
  16. And again! Im noticing a trend here : P
  17. banned 4 not posting a gif with that
  18. Banned for being the person above me again :lol:
  19. Banned! Again!