Help Cause Im a Kaw Noob.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -_A_-ObnoxiousCholo, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. so I recently redownloaded Kaw and was wondering if anyone could bump some threads and explain how this game works. Yeh im kinda expecting y'all to post "go screw yourself" if this forums is like PimDs.
  2. i'll offer this piece of advice: don't mention you are from the app that shall not be named.

    also, check the section of the forums labelled "guides".

  4. You should go there and learn how to bb code.

    Get rekt
  5. You know what? You know what? You know what? I know!!
  6. I know what. It was was a very good show.
  7. Hi, wannabe farmer.

  8. Called it
  9. LOLOLOL already starting drama in forums, Cholo? Some things never change (;
  10. Welcome to the kawmunity :p it's probably worse than pimd's is just with less rp xD

    There is a guide section of forums i suggest you look at. Youll find everything you need to learn there.
  11. I mean... You are my rs on pimd and supposedly getting farmed alongside with me but ya know. Cf when hell freezes over.
  12. Wot iz a cf?

    I was actually just pinned a few mins ago, after not being hit for a while :lol: I feel special when they use dns on me
  13. This is true. We do not tolerate RP around here.
  14. I mean it's not like this game is roleplay
  16. No Rp happens in kaw ever... Just ask Ashes
  17. Rp is life tho... Like I'd be down for some right now. (;
  18. Ask Sholron for some plant RP :mrgreen: